You Kidding Me?!

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Peter and Flash standing there waiting for the voice to come.

"Give me! GIVE ME!"

A hoarse woman voice scream all over the hall. At the the end of the hall, Peter can see someone running toward them. Crying and screaming.

"Pe-Peter! Help!" He cry.
"Abe?! Come! Hurry!" Peter shout, not knowing what is making Abe so scare and crying like that.

Dung! Dung! Dung!

The whole hall shake a little making half of the reception desk fall down.

"Run! Guys run!" Levi grab Janna and run out from the building. Flash following them. Peter still standing in front of the things. Nina froze beside reception desk.

"Abe! Run away with Nina! Go! Go!" Peter shout of before running at the opposite of the hall.

Abe then try to grab Nina before Rose stand up and throw him out from the building.
Abe fly out thru the door and fall down on the path in front of the building.

"What is happening over here? Why are you flying out from the hall?" Ask a voice. The voice is so familiar that Flash and Abe flip their head back and stare on the person face.

"Captain America?!"
"Nina! Over here!" Peter then grab Nina's hand and sit under the table. Both of them terrified by the big creature that chasing over them.

"What is that?!" Peter scream. He cover his head with his hand when the building shake again. Nina breath out and in heavy. "Ugh. Uhm. That look like Sphinx... Greek mythology creature..." Nina clutch her chest when the breath stuck. Making her throat hurt.

"But how in the world it's got here? This is America!" Peter can't believe it. Even a genius like him cannot think of it.

"Nah. Those thing not real... I think she been experiment by someone. Real Sphinx wouldn't run... They jump and hop on the wall." Nina explain. She slump her body on the wall and sigh.

"What should we do now Pete?" She ask. Peter bite his lips. He then take off his clothes and making his suit appear. "Ah right... You Spiderman that I forgot about it. Go! Go fight it." Nina huff up and stand beside the wall. Eye darting around to meet the big Sphinx huffing with anger.

"3 o clock Pete. Okay let's see. Maybe she have a weakness somewhere." Nina said. She stare at the Sphinx and try to think of mythology creature that she have read several day before.

"It's the riddle... But that from the mythology. Not from the experiment shit." Nina scoffed. She don't like feeling like this. Panic and need to think.

The Sphinx growl and jump on the floor. Making the building shake again. Nina almost scream. She flop down back to the floor. Peter catch her, grabbing both of her arm. Nina flinch. Trying to not looking hurt.

Peter stop his mouth from asking. He feel the damp feeling on her left arm. Peter look over his palm. "Wait. What? You injured?" Peter ask. He take Nina arm and pull up her sleeve. His eyes widened.

"Oh my god! Nina!" His voice scream in shock. He don't know what to feel. "Dammit Pete. Stop screaming." Nina got up and drag Peter away from there.

"Give ME!!!"

The Sphinx scream loudly. Running toward them. Peter put on his mask and grab Nina into his arm. "Karen! Scan the Sphinx!"

The growling send out a shaking wave.

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