Field Trip

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(MJ and Nina like horror things. So they prank Ned and Peter. Result: Success.)

Midtown Highschool
Peter's Pov

Oh shitttt!!!
I forgot.
We have field trip today.
Making it worse.
At Avenger Tower?!
Why don't Dad said anything?! And and and. Clint coming back today. He gonna embarrassed me. Oh my god!
Nina stare on Peter's face that freaking out inside. MJ don't really care and read her book. Ned freaking out in excitement. And Flash that keep on poking Peter with his slur.

Nina with her emotionless face look out of the window when the tower can be seen.

"Okay everyone. Make a line and wait for me in front of the entrance. Listen to what the tour guide said. And don't break or steal anything. Am I clear?" Ask Mr.Harrington. Everyone nod and follow instructions.

Peter and Nina is the last to come out from the bus. "Ugh. I don't like this." Peter said as he walk toward the group. Nina chuckled and wait with the group.

"Okay everyone. Hello. My name is Sandy. (The squirrel) I will be your guide today." Sandy greet all the student and smile brightly. She then pull out a basket full of badge and telling a man in black suit beside her something.

"This is basically your second home right?" Nina ask. Peter nod as he scan all the place for Clint appearance. "I can't wait to see what inside!" Ned put both of his hand to his cheek. Smiling brightly. MJ being her usual self. Isn't talking much and reading her book.

"First of all, I will give you each one of this badge. Must I remind you, every person will only get one badge each. This badge is use to enter certain room and floor." Sandy then pull out the white badge with SI logos on it. "White badge is for public, tour and reporter. The badge can only being use once. It will be deactivate after 3 pm today. So if you enter the building after 3 pm. The guard gonna shove you out. Oh right. The badge will be for one person only. There no second badge, emergency badge. This badge is your life if you work here. So better I need to tell you. Not to lost the badge while you touring here." Sandy then start to call each student name and distribute all the badge.

"Michelle Jones."

MJ walk and take her badge. Immediately pin it on her shirt.

"Nina Lee."

Nina do the same. But she hang it with her phone.

"Lastly. Peter Parker?" She call but with a question mark in. Peter walk up to her and wait nervously. Sandy chuckled and put away the white badge. "I can't give you the touring badge. You already have one. Mr.Stark going to get angry." Sandy said as she walk thru the detector.

Everyone look toward Peter with curious eyes. Peter take a deep breath and walk back into the line. "Oh no Ned. The AI still don't speak in personal speaker yet. I don't get to make it done last night. What should I do?" Peter grab his head. Ned laugh while MJ pat her boyfriend back. "It's going to be fine. Relax." Said MJ. Laid back. Nina just chuckle watching the nervous Peter. Looking funny and all.

"Cindy Moon. Touring group. Level 1."
FRIDAY announced. Each person that walk thru the detector will be announced out loud by FRIDAY.

"Ned Leed. Touring group. Level 1."

"Michelle Jones. Touring group. Level 1."

"Peter Parker. Level 10. Welcome back Peter. Do you want me to inform boss about your arrival?" Everyone flip they back and stare at Peter, shock.

"Uh uh. No. It's okay Fri..." Peter walk past the detector and shrug his way into the group. Hiding behind Ned. Nina just grin while she passed the detector.

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