Chapter 01: Hello Beautiful

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(A/n: "Y/N" means "Your Name". You are the leading female in this book. :D)


I woke up two hours early before the class starts. Yeah, that’s how excited I am. I mean why not? It’s my first day to attend class at my dream Uni. I’m also happy because my best friend Aira also enrolled there, amazing right? I hope we will be in the same class.

We’ve been best friends ever since kindergarten and more like sisters, same age, same interest but not same when it comes to personality. She’s lazy and always feeling sleepy all the time while I’m the opposite one. Let’s just say that I’m a nerd who’s always wearing thick eyeglasses.

I headed down to the kitchen to prepare my own breakfast after washing up myself and wore my clean and new uniform.

Yeah, I live alone. My parents are at the Philippines right now for business meeting. They’re always busy but its fine with me, I’m used to it. Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself, sorry.

Hi, my name is (Eun, Y/N), 18 years old, half Korean and half Filipino. My mother is a Filipina, who fell in love with a Korean guy which happens to be my dad now, got married and…bam! Here I am. Okay that’s enough, I know I still have more time but I want to go now. So bye bye, going to have some fun.

Parking my bike in front of the BTS University, I stood there for a moment smiling like an idiot, seeing my fellow schoolmates getting inside with their friends.

Speaking of ‘Friend’, where’s Aira though? Is she there inside already or not? I thought and facepalmed myself after remembering something. Right, she’s a lazy one which means she will be here late. I was about to get inside but halts when someone shout out my name.

“Y/N!” turning my head to where the voice came from, my eyes widens at the sight of my best friend running towards me with a messy hair but still looked pretty, damn how did she do that? I envy her for that, she’s really beautiful to the point that she could be mistaken as an idol. While me, well… I don’t know.

“Aira?!” I look at her totally in disbelief. This is the first time she came to school early, wait… this is not good. Placing my hands on her shoulders, eyeing her up and down as I check her like a doctor. “This can’t be happening. No…the International Lazy Girl is here right now standing in front of me early as F! Tell me, are you going to die?” I panic, shaking her body on each word that came out from me that causes her hair to look more messier than before.

“Yah! What are you saying? I’m not going to die, okay?! I came early because just like you I’m excited too.” She explain while combing her hair with her hands to fix the mess that I made. Well, not totally me.

Students passing by were all looking at us like we’re the weirdest people they’ve ever seen in their entire life. “Girl, what’s wrong with these people?” she whispered near my ear and I just shake my head as I don’t have any idea. We both get inside with wide smiles on our faces like we have just entered 'heaven'.

“Oh my god this is it, this is it Sis. I—“Our smile soon fades at the unexpected sight in front us. All of the boys were smoking freely in the hallway, some were making out on the every corner shamelessly and some are just walking to their classes with a normal expression which clearly tells that all of those unholy scenes we’ve witnessed are normal in this University.

God, don't they have CCTVs here? Does the teachers here know these? Why are they letting this happen? They should not tolerate things like these.

I was so shock and lost in my own thoughts that I didn’t heard Aira’s voice calling out my name until she smack my head with the very thick literature book.

“Aw!” my voice echoed around the hallway getting all the attention of the students and looked at us. “and now look at what you’ve done.” I hissed and she only rolled her eyes at me.

“What?! Have you not ever seen bestfriends smacking each other’s head with a book?!” her voice boomed around the hallway startling all the students and I just stood there beside her facepalming myself at her behaviour and watched all the students scurried to their classes leaving us their alone. “Finally, they’re gone.” She muttered and looked at me. I just shake my head in disbelief, first day of class and we’re already causing a weird scene here.

During the entire class, the teacher always call my name to answer some questions and even told me to solve the hardiest math I’ve ever encountered and lucky me I answered it correctly. How? Simple, advance study. Honestly, I’m the brainy one at my previous school. I’m just not a showy person.

All I do is just sheepishly smile at my classmates everytime they clap their hands for me as they’re amazed at me which I don’t want to. I’m not a big fan of ‘Popularity’ anyway.

Returning to my seat, I continue writing down the lesson on my notebook. “Wow. You’re so amazing, Sis.” Aira whispered to me and I just sweetly smile at her praising words. She’s my seatmate.

After our morning classes, me and Aira excitedly head to the cafeteria with an exhausted brains for solving many hard maths. Gosh, I’m so hungry right now.

I’m really going to eat all the foods at the cafeteria, ignoring the unpleasant sight around us. I think this day deserves a selfie. I thought and rummaged my hand inside my pocket but got surprised when I found nothing. What?! Wait, I think I put it inside my bag, my locker.

I told my friend Aira that I’ll head back to my locker to get my phone and she only nodded at me. I ran back to my locker and immediately get my phone inside my bag knowing that Aira is impatiently waiting for me right now.

Closing it, I turned around but only to be pinned against my locker which really surprised me as hell. Before I could see who it is, I felt a smooth thing smashed on my lips and I was shocked at what just happened.

I suddenly felt an electric shock inside my body mixing with some kind of tingling sensation, heart’s rapidly beating like crazy that made me hold my breath.

I was froze on my spot for a few seconds before my eyes widens after realizing it, someone I didn’t know is kissing me right now, stealing my FIRST KISS! I want to get myself away from this unknown guy but I can’t because he’s so strong and he totally locked my body but…not my legs.

I was about to move my knee towards his crotch when he finally pulled away from the kiss.

Finally, I can now see the face of whoever this jerk is.

“Hi beautiful.” His deep ocean voice matches his deep brown orbs that’s looking at me right now. A tall guy with a majestic physique, he’s handsome…but a damn pervert.

Hearing snap sounds of cameras, I looked around us and saw all the crowd of students looking at us, blinding my eyes with the flash of their phones as they’re taking pictures of us while murmuring shits about me.

I felt my face starting to heat up due to embarrassment; tears are starting to form in my eyes, I looked back to the guy who’s now smirking at me as he looked at my red cheeks.

He fix my eyeglass and smile at me before he turn around walking towards the group of guys who I guess his friends, leaving me here on my spot dead angry and speechless. “I told you, she’ll become speechless after the kiss.” He says nonchalantly shrugging off his shoulders to his friends which boils my blood more in anger.

With a clenched jaw and fisted knuckles, I made my way towards him who’s now back facing me; one of his friends nudges his arm as they noticed me standing behind this jerk here. He turn around and before he could say something…

*Slap sound*

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