"But I can't help it
I'm falling for you"
- song: Falling for U by Peachy!, mxmtoon
__________________________________"WOODLOCK!" DRACO SHOUTED as he tried to gain the attention of the brunette as she made her way down the crowded hallway.
"Ophelia!" That turned her around.
She raised her eyebrows as she watched Malfoy jog up to her.
"We can look at our constellation tonight, I talked to Professor Sinistra and she said we are allowed to go up at 10 o'clock." He said pulling her aside so they weren't in the middle of the hallway.
"Ok that works." She tried to ignore the fact that her heart was beating crazy fast.
"Great. I'll meet you there."
-Ophelia quickly made her way up the stairs to the Astronomy tower, she was late.
She was trying to not let her nervousness get in the way of anything. It wasn't the first time the pair had to be alone together, but that was before she realized she likes him.
She didn't understand how her little crush came on so fast. She had never liked someone the way she likes Draco it almost scared her.
Ophelia adjusted her house tie as she walked into The room. Of course Malfoy was already there, getting the telescope and books ready. She felt a grin tug at her lips.
She walked over to where he was and placed her bag on a desk near by. She looked up at the night sky and her eyes widen at the sight, she loved how bright the stars looked. It made her happy.
Draco glanced over at her. "Your late." He huffed as he continued to fidget with the telescope.
"Sorry, I-I had something to do." The truth was she had a D.A meeting, but she couldn't tell him that.
Draco rolled his eyes. "It's fine." He looked up at her "Let's just get this over with."
She nodded and opened a book that had what the Gemini constellation looked like. Draco leaned closer and looked at the book from over her shoulder, making her face turn red.
Once she had the right page she placed the open book on the desk and made her way to the telescope with Malfoys eyes following her as she moved.
"I'm sorry for being late, how long did I keep you waiting?" She questioned as she adjusted the telescope so if would be a bit taller.
Draco cleared his throat "Not long, about 5 minutes." It was a obvious lie, he waited for 20 but he wasn't going to tell her that. He watched as she lifted her glasses off her face and placed them on top of her head, so that they wouldn't get in the way. She leaned over and looked through the device. "See anything yet?"
"Not yet," she mumbled "You wanna see?" She straighten out her posture and looked at him.
"Sure." She stepped aside and he bent over to look.
She anxiously bit her lip waiting for him to be done.
"Wait I think I see it" he muttered "Yeah!" He confirmed. "Here," he stood up straight and gently placed his hand on her back and guided her to the right position. She leaned over to see through the telescope. A smile came onto her face.
"I see it too!" Draco chuckled at her excitement. "It's so pretty." She mumbled to herself though Draco heard and bit the inside of his cheek trying not to smile. "Well I guess we should write down notes on what we see." She backed away from the telescope and walked to the table and opened her bag to grab her journal.
"Why do you like this class so much?" Malfoy questioned as he grabbed a piece of paper to write on.
"I don't know," her face became red. "I just really like stars, I think they are fascinating," She placed her glasses back on her face "And I think the subject is pretty interesting."
Draco nodded and began writing notes. "This seems to be one of the only classes you like." he chuckled.
Ophelia shrugged her shoulders "It is." she mumbled. She really didn't like any of her other classes. She didn't understand what was happening in them half the time, and she found them confusing and boring.
"You're friends with Potter right?" Malfoy randomly asked as the pair walked down the stairs of the tower.
"I guess so, why?"
"Do you know if he's doing anything suspicious?
Like doing something to go against Umbridge?"Ophelia's eyes widen.
"No." She said a bit to quickly "Why would you want to know though?"
Draco looked over to her "Because I'm working with Umbridge remember?"
Ophelia gulped "O-Oh yeah I forgot sorry," her grip on her bag hardened "But he's not doing anything, or nothing that I know of. So I wouldn't worry." She let out a shaky sigh, hoping he would believe her.
"Well if you find out he is, make sure to tell me."
Ophelia only slightly nodded her head, feeling guilty that she really couldn't tell him.

yellow - D.M
Fanfiction"Wanna dance?" Ophelia asked the boy next to her while walking out of the open corridor. As soon as she stepped outside rain drops began falling on her head. She looked up at the cloudy sky and smiled. "Are you serious? It's raining." Draco stared a...