Chapter forty six: just kids

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"It's okay if you can't catch your breath
You can take the oxygen straight out of my own chest"
-song: Two by Sleeping At Last

HOGWARTS WAS WORSE than Ophelia thought it would be.

She had only been there for about 4 weeks and she absolutely hated it. Half the time she wouldn't even show up to her classes. There was no use anyway, the teachers were fearful and always anxious around Snape. Kids walked the halls quietly and with their heads hung low.

Ophelia learned to watch her mouth when talking, knowing that the Carrow siblings -who were in charge of the discipline and dark arts at Hogwarts- could punish her badly, they already had the first days she arrived back at the school. Woodlock quickly took note to shut her mouth when they were near.

She walked about the school in fear, like most of the people did. Her mind was always racing about the battle that was bound to happen sooner rather than later.

"When you saw Potter, did he say anything about what he was doing?" Seamus asked Ophelia as they walked into the Room Of Requirement, along with many of their friends, Dean walked on the other side of her. Woodlock looked over at Finnigan and sighed, she had been swarmed with questions regarding the golden trio since she got at Hogwarts. It was getting old.

"Um," She gnawed on her lip while fidgeting with her hands "I didn't talk to him much, he seemed stressed." She shrugged "But I'm sure he's got it all figured out."

Ophelia turned to her designated spot near the wall, away from everyone else. It was obvious to her and her friends that Ophelia wasn't doing the best. The once bold, cheerful, always smiling Hufflepuff, was now quiet, tired, lonely, and emotional. No one knew if they should confront her, knowing that last year if she was going through something she would either play it cool and laugh or want her space and alone time.

Ophelia slid her back down the wall and sat down, her knees pressed to her chest. Her mind traveled to another place, imaging what Draco could be doing at the moment. She had thought about writing another letter to him, but quickly discarded the idea knowing it wouldn't end well.

She reached her hand up to her collar bone, feeling the cold charm that rested there, remembering the day that she had gotten the necklace from Draco. It seemed like a lifetime ago. The once pretty, shining, gold chain, is now rusty, scratched, and blood stained. But it was still precious to Ophelia, she never wanted to take it off.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the screeching noise of one of the entrances. Her eyes flicked up to where the noise was.

Harry Potter.

She felt a smile twitch on her lips as she slowly stood up along with the rest of the crowded room. She began to clap like the rest of the group, cheering for the golden trio.

Ophelia squeezed through the cheerful people as she tried to greet them. She never properly thanked them for helping her out of the Malfoy Manor. She gnawed on her lip as she stood behind Dean, who had leaned over to hug Potter.

"Ophelia," Harry greeted with a smile as she immediately took him in for a hug.

"Thank you." She mumbled before pulling away.

"Okay, okay," Neville said with a laugh as he tried to calm down the excited group. "Let's not kill him." Longbottom turned to face him "So Harry, what's the plan then?"

Potter slowly looked around at everyone, taking in their beaten and scarred faces. "Okay," he muttered "There's something we need to find, something hidden here in the castle." He took in a deep breath "And, it may help us defeat you-know-who."

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