her story

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Third person POV

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Third person POV

     There once was a pureblooded witch named Athnia. She had long blonde hair, eyes filled of honey and small freckles that would go all around her nose. She had an ability no other witch or wizard had, the power of illusion. One day the witch came across the one and only, Lord Voldemort. She begged to bore his child and soon he agreed, not for love, but to continue his legacy.

     April 3rd, 1980, Amelia Merope Riddle was born in an old, dark home in the middle of nowhere. After the girl arrived, Voldemort killed Athnia and took Amelia so he could raise her to be like him.

     Amelia was cared for by the house elves since her mother was killed while her father was terrorizing the wizarding world. 

     One cold Halloween night, Voldemort left to kill the Potter family. Only it backfired, and the Dark Lord was no more. Auror's stormed through the old home and found Amelia sound asleep in her crib. They took her to the ministry and had an immediate meeting. It was soon decided that they needed someone who could teach the girl to control her abilities, that person being Severus Snape.

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