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Nothing else happened for the remainder of Christmas break at the Greengrass Estate

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Nothing else happened for the remainder of Christmas break at the Greengrass Estate. Daphne, Tracy and I mostly just watched movies and devoured tons of chocolate. The day after the ball, we exchanged gifts. I gave them both matching black scarfs with their initials engraved on the ends. Daphne got me a shiny light pink bottle of perfume from Paris that smelled of roses and lilacs. Tracy gave me a pair of grey fluffy socks that resisted the heat.

Anyways, today is the day we return back to Hogwarts which means I get to see Malfoy again. I'm still not over the fact he left me on the dance floor, but it had to be for a good reason right? I mean we were just starting to become friends again! This is so confusing. Not to mention the fact that my father gave me a book filled of dark magic and didn't tell me what I'm supposed to do with it. I don't plan on using anything that is in there, unless it is for research.

Draco's POV


I feel absolutely horrible that Amelia was left alone because of my own foolishness. That night while Amelia and I were slow dancing, my father saw us. He was angry at me for associating myself with "that rude girl".

Flashback to Christmas night:

My father slammed the door as we entered the manor in the evening. I had my back turned away from the entrance because I entered first. He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face him. I've never felt so afraid and I knew my expressions showed that.

"Why would you dance with her? She disrespected me! ME! Don't you understand the power I hold!" He yelled as he got closer and closer towards my face.

"I-I'm so so sorry father. She was just sitting alone I-" I started before he interrupted with a slap across the right side of my face. I fell to the floor clutching my cheek which was probably bright red from the impact. My father stood their looking down on me, breathing heavily. He cleared his throat and used his cane to move my chin so I would remove my glance from the floor to him.

"I hope you learned your lesson boy." He said calmly and walked to his study, leaving me on the floor with tears falling.

My mother came rushing towards me with a worried look on her face as she bent down to touch my burnt cheek.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered still staring at me with her mouth slightly opened in shock. I pulled her in for a hug and sobbed in her arms while she cried along with me.

Amelia's POV

We arrived at Platform 9 3/4 for the continuation of the semester. After saying thanks and goodbyes to Daphne's parents, we walked into the Hogwarts Express and say in an empty compartment.

I should probably look for Draco and ask him to explain what happened. He seemed a little tense after we danced.

"Hey I'll be right back." I said to my friends and got up and went looking for the blonde boy.

I see him walk into a compartment with Crabbe and Goyle. I start to follow them until someone runs into me and I fall onto the floor.

"Ow." I say rubbing my shoulder.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" A boy exclaims and holds out his hand.

Not looking up, I take his hand and pull myself up. When I do though, his face becomes present. He has bright blue eyes, tan skin and side-parted dark brown hair.


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"Thanks." I say while dusting my pants.

"I'm Nate." He says with a smile.

I look back up at him and return the expression.

"I'm Amelia." I say.

"I've never seen you around before, are you a first year?" He asks.

"Yes I am, and you?" I respond.

"Second year." He says.

We stay silent for a moment.

"Well it was nice to meet you Nate." I say.

"You too Amelia." He says before walking away.

I continue to go and speak with Draco.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

That did not turn out how I expected.

While everyone is chatting with their friends in the Great Hall, I was thinking about my conversation with the blonde. To sum it up, I asked what happened at the ball and he said something like "It was a dare from Crabbe. Did you really think I would dance with a brat like you?" After that I smacked him and left, he doesn't deserve my presence anyways.

I try to look for Nate around the hall. I spot him sitting with...Gryffindors? You've got to be joking! He sees me and immediately sends a smile which I return.

Even if Malfoy didn't want to be friends with me, at least Nate did.

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