Secrets YOU Don't Want Them to Know

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Okay!  So I really got on the back story train this time.  No one asked for this, but I just had fun writing it.  If you disagree or don't like this one, remember:  it's just for fun, and MAYBE... IF you (or your own character) were a character in this universe.


The secret you want to keep from Carmen is that you like watching kiddy-cartoons when you have HQ all to yourself!


Being first your best friend, and then your boyfriend, there are few things Player doesn't know about you. But you still have your secrets. For example, you'd probably die of embarrassment if he ever found out you had been planning your wedding with him since you were twelve!


You don't want Zack to find this out, but.... you used to date Trey Sterling a few years before you met him.


You can trust Ivy with almost any secret. She'll give you a harsh lecture if it's really bad, but even then Ivy will be cool later. Your biggest secret: your parents will be giving a ginormous fortune when they pass away, but only if they approve of your future bride!


There are lots of things Graham doesn't know about even himself. But one thing that you don't know about yourself either: You are related to one of VILE's main faculty!

El Topo (Antonio):

You have kept this a secret from Antonio, and everyone else! But your family had you engaged to another man back home in order to pay off their massive debts. You only became a theif to have money to survive after you ran away.

Le Chevre (Jean- Paul):

Your secret would give Jean-Paul endless amounts of hours to embarrass you with. But you have a secret collection of character quizzes, personality tests, fanfiction, waifu and husbando quizzes that you keep on an anonymous profile of your phone!

Tigress (Sheena):

Sheena never asks you for details that don't concern her, so it isn't really a secret. Your family has just gained your vast wealth through every illegal means possible! If she found out she probably wouldn't be that mad, even! Right?

Mime Bomb:

Mime Bomb is the best secret keeper for you. He only lets them slip if they are of benefit to him, though. So there is a secret about you he can't ever find out: Chase Deineaux is your cousin!

Dash Haber:

The secret you can't tell Dash is that you are a secret informant to Carmen Sandiego. You love Dash, but it would break your heart to have fashion history callously taken from the world! So you find where to let chatter slip and Player can pick it up!

A/n:  Woo!  That was fun.  I mostly did this so if anyone ever wants to give their character some more background, they can.

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