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Dear all readers,

Heyo! I'm pretty sure most of you wanna get to the story bit but hey, patience exists, so you're stuck here for a bit of introductory info (also, like, what's the harm in doing so?). Anyways, call me Ai, I personally love the idea of Dan and Magnus being together (like the rivals to lovers thingy) and I enjoy Bakugan so I made my own story about this ship. Also, this story is not canon and moreover just something I created for fun, so you won't see it anywhere else. And one last thing, haters, please just kinda... like.. stay a million miles away from this story and me cuz like, why Tf you even here if you don't like it here??- Dumb people I tell you. Ok, ok, ok, that's enough talk, time read!

Sincerely, Ai (probs your local BL manga reader and weeb-)

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