I Won't Crumble While You're Gone

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Song: No Right To Love You by Rhys Lewis

"You know you're always welcome to come back to Florida, sweetie," my mom says softly as I cry to her on the phone.

I don't know how many days have passed since I received the letter from Jake, but it's all been moving so slowly to me. I haven't had a decent nights sleep in I don't know how long. All that replays is his words in my head. And all of my dreams are him saying it to my face.

"I know, mom. I might bring Kira and Dani with me and have a little vacation to forget things," I tell her, wiping my eyes. A vacation away from all of this drama sounds perfect.

"That sounds like a great idea, honey. Let me know if I can help you in any way, okay?"

"I will. Thanks, momma," We hang up the phone, and I toss it to the side, once again staring at the ceiling in my room. It's basically all I've done lately.

Sleeping is out the window, and eating has gone there too. I don't feel hunger, and if I make myself eat, I throw it back up. Sleep tries to consume me, but I always wake up from the same nightmares, and then I'm awake the rest of the night.

Kira and Dani are worried about me, and are trying everything they can to get information out of Ollie and Q. But, with Jake being the new mafia Don, they can't tell us much. All I know, is he's going after every person who had anything to do with his parents murders. They don't specify what he's doing, but we can all assume they're dead when he leaves.

I never thought I would ever think that so casually. All my mind wants to know is that he's okay. We haven't heard an update from Ollie and Q for a while. And when we do hear from them, they insist they can't say anything about him. So for all I know, he could be dead or in prison. And then his words from his letter replay in my head again.

"I want you to hate me and never see my face again unless it's on the news for dying or going to prison."

You bet your ass I've been watching the news religiously, scared out of my mind that that's truly the only place I'll ever see him again. I'm not stupid enough to hunt him down, but I do know he still has his men watching me. Which honestly pisses me off to no end.

I keep telling Ollie and Q to make them stand down, but they can't. The Dons orders, they say. Yeah well fuck the Don. He doesn't give a fuck about me, so why the hell does he still want to know my every move? In case I look for him? Not fucking happening.

"Hey, do you need anything?" Kira's soft voice comes from by my door. I look over and see her leaning against the doorframe, Dani next to her.

"I'm fine. Don't you guys have your double date tonight?" I ask them, and they nod.

"Will you be okay without us?" Dani asks, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I promise, I won't crumble while you're gone. Go. Have fun," I muster up my best smile, and they return it.

"Okay. Text or call us if you need anything at all. Got it?" I nod, and they finally leave. I haven't been alone in a while, and while it feels freeing, it's also the loneliest thing.

I decide to order some sushi, hoping maybe that will stay down. I've always been a sucker for sushi. While I wait for my food to arrive, I decide on a hot shower. I turn the water up as hot as I can stand it, and step into the shower.

I wash my long blonde hair, and clean my body. I even shave for the first time in a few days. Then I just stand in the hot water for a while, thinking. Always thinking.

After the water turns cold, I step out of the shower, and towel dry my body and hair as best as I can. I leave my hair down to dry on it's own, and slip on underwear, black leggings, and a large hoodie, with a pair of black Ugg boots.

There's a knock on the door, so I grab my cash and walk to the door. When I open it, nobody is there. Deja Vu of when I got the letter. But this time it's different. I look around and nothing.

Suddenly, something hard hits me upside the back of my head, and I lose my balance. I fall to my knees with a cry of pain, grabbing my head.

"What the fuck?" I cry out, then get hit again. This time it's a kick to my face. I fall onto my back, and stare up at my first nightmare. "Dad."

"Miss me, pumpkin?" he sneers, then kicks me in the face, knocking me out cold.


Jake's POV

"Boss! Kian just saw Nathan Carter outside of Emma's house. And now she's gone," one of my men, Jay, tells me, rushing into my office.

"Fuck! I should have killed him the moment he walked." I punch my desk, then stand up from my chair. I grab my phone and dial Q's number. I know he's on a date, but this takes top priority. "Find him! Now!"

"Boss? What's up?" Q answers on the second ring.

"Nathan Carter took Emma. Jay is tracking him. Do you still have the tracker for the necklace she wears?"

"Fuck. Yeah, I do. Dani said she hasn't been wearing it though," he tells me, pissing me off more.

"Her phone. Track her phone," I'm desperate at this point. I need to know where she is.

"Her phone is at her house. He must have surprised her."

"Fuck!" I yell, throwing a book across the room. I hang up on Q, and wait for Jay to return. When he comes back, I know I'm about to put a bullet between Nathan Carter's eyes.

"Boss. Nathan Carter is going after the Santini's. He's trading Emma in exchange for his freedom."

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