Chapter 24

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I wake up to an empty bed. I see a piece of paper on the end table. I grab it and read it.

I went to talk to Luna. Shower if you have to and get dressed. When I'm don't talking to Luna I'll be in the kitchen. Once you're ready come to the kitchen.

Then it tells me where the kitchen is and where the bathroom is in case I need it. I go to the bathroom and shower. I put on jeans and a blue t-shirt I put on my combat boots and walk around until I find the kitchen.

Ryder is sitting there with the chic then his mom and step dad are there. They look like the people from the wedding photos just a little older.

Ryder sees me and smiles. He stands up and places his hands on my hips. "Good morning Angel." He says before kissing my forehead. I smile "g-good morning." He takes my hand and pulls me towards the table.

I giggle and sit next to him. "Obviously my sister is named Luna. My mom is named Sara and my step dad is named Joshua but we call him Josh." Ryder quietly says to me. I nod "Is it ok if I introduce you to them?" He asks me and I nod yet again.

He smiles and kisses my forehead. He clears his throat and everyone looks at him. "As you guys know I brought my girlfriend with me." He looks down at me and smiles. "Everyone this is Olivia."

Everyone smiles and his mom goes to talk but he cuts her off. "Be careful she has bad anxiety and stutters. So please don't overwhelm her." His mom smiles and stands up.

She hugs me and I sit there frozen. His mom hugged me. "I'm glad you decided to come. It'll be a lot of fun. We can make cookies and watch Christmas movies. Ohhh and roast marshmallows on the fire." She says very excited.

"Mom calm down." Ryder says and Sara looks at him. "I'm just excited." I giggle. "I-I'm excited to-to be here." I quietly say and she hugs me again. "It's going to be fun and if you don't have fun I'll find something we can do." She says and I nod.

Luna stands up. "Ryder are you driving me to school." I look at her confused. She has school today.

"Sure get your backpack and other crap. And wear a jacket it's cold outside." She rolls her eyes and walks down the hallway. Ryder stands up. "Eat and you can do whatever you want. You can watch tv in my room. Read if you want. You can play on my computer." He kisses my cheek "just don't break anything."

I nod "o-ok." He smiles and quickly kisses me before leaving the kitchen. I look at Sara and Josh. "I-I'm not really h-hungry so can-can I g-go to Ryder's r-room." Sara nods. "Sure but I'm making cookies later and I'd love it if you'd help me." I nod and stand up. "I-I'd like that." I say before walking out of the kitchen.

I walk into Ryder's room and sit on his bed. I grab the tv remote and turn it on. Surprisingly they have Disney plus. I go under Luna's profile I'm sure she won't mind me using it. Anyways I go on her profile and find my favorite movie. Beauty and the beast.

I start watching it and about half way through the movie the bedroom door opens. "I'm back." Ryder says and I smile. I pat his bed and he chuckles.

He walks over to me and climbs in bed. He pulls me towards him. He gently kisses my neck. "What are you watching?" He quietly asks. "B-Beauty and the Bea-Beast I'm on D-Disney plus o-on your sisters account-account I hope sh-she doesn't mind." He shakes his head "She won't mind I'll tell her I put it on."

I giggle "you watching Bea-Beauty and the B-Beast that's fun-funny." He crosses his arms across his chest. "I hope you know I watch Disney movies all the time."

I look at him a little shocked. "Y-you do?" He nods "My favorite is probably Cinderella." I smile "I-I like that o-one to but th-this is my f-favorite."

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