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Hey lovelies, first of all, sorry for this late 
update. I wrote this chapter in three days, 
my ass is so lazy right now because I have 
a little fever. Well that's better from 
yesterday, I am happy. But yeah, that 
doesn't mean I can give you an excuse. I am 

Guys don't forget to give your love to my precious baby Ms_starsky♥️

Anyways this is the new chapter, hope you 
like it. It's still a flashback. Next chapter 
will be of the present time♡♡

Let's get it. 



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He let out a gasp as he waked up from a long tiring sleep. He tightly closed his eyes to protect it from the dazzling light which is coming from the front, trying to blind his eyesight. After some seconds of relaxing, he finds himself on a bed.

With his hazy vision, he saw that he is in a room which is all blue, he is in between two big beds. Both of the beds are full, which means people are there. He can just estimate because he couldn't able to see clearly.

Then he saw his body.

He is chained.

His mind suddenly started remembering all those disturbing moments which happened to him before he fell asleep. He let out a shaky breath as if convincing himself that all the things which are happening with him were nothing but a dark disturbing dream. But that's not the truth, and he knows that perfectly.

He feels like crying.

What did he do to deserve this, huh!!?? Nothing right?

He is a good baby boy who loves his mother, his father.

Yes, he loves his father no matter what his father did with him but he always respects him. No matter how much he hurt his own son. All the upsetting and distressing words his father said goes straight to his heart, clearly piercing him. But all he did is to love his father.

He never had any friends, never. He is alone.

But he is so bubbly in nature, he wants to know how it feels to be someone's companion, to be someone's partner.

He wants his mate, his fellow mate.

A partner in crime.

But no one is there.

But he knows, he has to be happy for his mother, for his mom. He is aware of his mother's feelings for him, he knows that she really loves her son.

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