Night Crawlers

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We sat on the bleachers as the boys play their game of basketball which just started. The remaining guys got themselves involved in one exercise, drill, game or another.

The girls were cheering from the bleachers. Tomi and i were cheering loudly for Femi. We sat as we wait for our teacher to come back with the sports equipment.

You can't imagine the kind of joy i felt this morning when i got to P. E class only to discover that we will not be working in groups.

It is test week so our teacher decided to make us work in smaller groups so as to achieve the required results. The lovely thing is that, we can choose our partner.

The teacher emerged from a block along with four students we were carrying they sporting gears and equipment.

I turn to Tomi.

"Remember to give me your number before weekend" she nods.

Next week Thursday will be our mid term break. Am so excited to go home. We will go home by Thursday morning and come back Sunday evening. I have to get my friends numbers so as to stay in touch.

We all spread out on the school field as we got involved in one exercise or another. I hate work out a times! But the body needs it.

"Don't even think of dropping me!" I threatened Tomi while she rolled her eyes. She held my leg in a much stronger grip. We were given different exercises to do, the teacher going around awarding marks in the book he always seem to carry around.

I was in the press up position while Tomi held my legs in an horizontal position making it into the plank position. Whenever i came up, she straightens her posture, on going down, she squats. The thing is damn stressful.

I look around to see we were not the only one that had that kind of problem. The boys were master of show offs, i snorted angrily... Boys and their ego. The girls were struggling just like me.

When we first started, the man had to change some partners, especially male and female so as not to cause any disruption or temptation.

It was so funny when a male student was staring at his female counterpart's ass when he should be participating in the exercise.

I heaved a sigh of relief when we finished the drill. I sat down beside Tomi on the grassy field along with other students as we try to catch our breathes. Femi joined us as he lays flat on the floor, putting his head on my thighs. I groaned.

"Get your sweaty head off me" I complained. Am sweaty and i hate getting sweaty.

"Sssshhh.... It is just sweat, it is not garbage na" of course it isn't. His eyes closed as he re adjusted is big head.

"You smell like garbage" I said point blank as Tomi bellowed in laughter. His eyes flew open, filled with amusement. I smirk.

"That actually hurt my feelings" he pouts, faking hurt "like do you know how many girl's wants a taste of this garbage?" I snicker, students stared at us weirdly as Tomi tries to contain our laughter.

We were still bickering among ourselves when a shadow fell on us. We look up simultaneously, i felt Tomi turned stiff beside me as Femi looks indifferent, i raised an eyebrow at their attitudes. What happened between this three?

"The teacher will like to see you" Tokunbo said, straight up, his eyes void of any emotion. Like a robot... I felt Femi nodding. His lens covered eyes shifts to me, he let out a soft smile while i awkwardly returned mine. His eyes shifts to Tomi who was looking anywhere but him, i saw different emotions swirl through his eyes but he covers quickly walking away hurriedly.

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