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Everything went on well till 6th grade. She took part in every competition, scored well and in between she used to get some extra perks than others, but she don’t know why. Liya made her to join in all the extra-curricular activities with the motive of keeping her busy. Radha performed well. Her left hand was not at all a problem to her as she won't use it often and about her walk, sometimes she feels it strange. When she enquired about this to liya, she said “Listen Radha, you just can’t run. That’s it. It’s not a big deal”. End of conversation. See how awesome it is. You can say the same thing in two different ways. One is “You cannot run!” And the other one is, “You just can’t run”. Same words, but the way we say it will have a distinctive impact on people. Radha believed it. So everything went on well until one day.

“Ma, am I disabled?”

Liya is dumbstruck.

6 hours before....

It was her first day on 6th grade. New class, new friends, new environment. What remained the same is Radha. The office staff is going over every class to check over the number of students.

“Is Radha here?” The staff asked.

“Yes, there are two Radha. Which one you need?” The teacher asked.

“Disabled one” the staff said, mistakingly.

The teacher throws a furious look at the staff.

Now our Radha is looking at the other Radha. And the other Radha is looking at our Radha.

Later she realised everyone in the class is looking at her.

Radha involuntarily gets up from her place. She was totally confused as she almost forgot what the word disabled mean. “ I just can’t run” she blurted out.

“I’m sor..ry. I didn’t mean to..” the staff stammered.

No, Radha cannot comprehend anything. Her mind is rewinding the same question again and again “Am I disabled?” “Am I disabled?”

“Radha, you can sit down,” the teacher said.

Am I disabled?” “Am I disabled”. She didn’t hear a thing.

This time, the teacher went near and made her to sit. “Don’t worry, Radha. Everything is going to be fine”

Radha is further more confused. Every word seems to be new to her. “No need to worry?. So that means I am disabled? What is happening?” she asked herself.

She sat down.

“Don’t worry, Radha,”. Everyone consoled her. Now she was like, “Do I really need to worry? Or do I need to pretend like worrying?”

The class went on and question rewinded again, “Am I disabled?


“Ma, I’m asking you. Am I d...” Radha demanded the answer.

“DONT SAY THAT WORD AGAIN!!” liya bursted out. “YOU ARE NOT”

“I doubt it, ma,”. Her voice is breaking now. “Everyone consoled me in the school. But no one said YOU ARE NOT,”

“Do you remember what I used to say from kindergarten?” Liya asked.

“Yes, ma. But..”

“Say that!!” Liya demanded.

“The way you see the world must not be decided by others,” Radha said, bitterly.

“Now you got the answer,” liya said.

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