not your average soc

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(Thats what she looks like^^)

Intro to the character:

So where do i start?
My names Angelina Tucker, not my real name but the people who take care if me named me that and honestly i dont mind, i know what my real name is but i don't wanna say it.
Im 16
Biggest criminal record in the whole state i guess. I don't do love, i do one night stands of, love I never.
I'm a secretive person, all the boys love me, im popular, smart both school and street wise, im both tough and tuff.
Theres nothing really much to say except im not your average soc girl, unlike my friend Cherry Valance i outshine her in a lot of stuff though sometimes i feel bad, she's the only person i care about from the soc,
Theres a greaser his name is Johnny he is a litteral lost puppy, i care for him a lot aswell if i see someone touch him or yell at him there dead, I've beat up his parents a couple of times and i allow him to sleep with me (not like that). He's sort of like my brother, i promised to protect him.
Well you guys remember when i said Angelina Tucker aint my real name, well my birth mum got yk by another man and her husband understood her though he didn't want to raise me so she left me with these people i call "parents", they either don't give a hang about me or they care to much and honestly there so stuck up ugh.
Soo yeah
I guess my story begins when Johnny makes me meet his 'gang'.



Angelinas pov
I was on my way to school when i relised i had to pick up Johnny, i skated back to my car and put my longboard in the back, as i entered greaser territory i kept getting stares, okay im not tryna be stuck up but i was really pretty.
I parked outside of Johnny's house and knocked, usually i don't knock but eh idk, his 'mum' opend the door and looked at me i told her that if she don't bring Johnny out here her heads gonna colide with my fist.
Within seconds Johnny came running out the door. He hoped into my car and we rode to school, when we got there i told him the usual "if anyone touches you or yells at you, come straight to me got it?"
His usual reply was "yes olay bye Ange"
It was a cute nickname he gave me only i allowed him to call me that.
"Okay bye pups", that was my nickname for him.
The day went by quick but Johnny came up to me running and panting i thought something happend but all he said was "can you fianlly meet my gang now?"
He gave me his chocolate lost puppy eyes that i couldn't resist dammit.
"Fine but i swear if i don't like them I'm leaving 'kay?"
"Okayy" was all he said.
He gave me directions to the house and when we got there it was so cute i guess? Broken but not like other houses, poor but enough to fit 10 people.
He held my hand as we walked inside usually Johmmy knocks on peoples door but i guess with this one he doesn't.
As soon as i stepped in all eyes were on Johnny, not me thank god and to my luck a boy had to comment but his comment was necessary i think.
"Aye its the broad that beats up anyone who hurts Johnny".
I kinda left out a small detail.... when Johnny got jumped by soc's i litterly threatened everyone in the school-... but it was worth it.
"Yes i am the broad who did, who might u be?"
"Im two-bit my'lady but you can call my number ;)".
"Uh-huh" i looked at Johnny with the can i leave now eyes and he shook his head. Dammit he's to adorable.

A while went by and i met everyone but the person Johnny looks up to, he says were quite simular but no one resembles me in any way.
I acted casual even though i knew everything bout everyone, i just needed there names.

Two-bit kept flirting with me, Darry kept asking if i was okay, ponyboy kept asking if i wanted anything but i must say he's real nice, Johnny made small talk with them big talk with me, Sodapop kept wrestling with steve, steve wrestling soda.

About an hour of doing that he walks in, my swarn enemy walks in the person i hate the most walked in (there's another backstory as to why she hates him).

Dallas Winston, sure I've seen him a couple times got into atleast 7 fights with him and got arrested 5 times coz if it.
I think the boys relised i was boutta pound on him coz blood started dripping from how much i dug my nails  into my palms.
I looked at Johnny my sweet adorable boy that couldn't hurt a fly, but i turned back to dallas and my cold green eyes turned grey.
After about 5-10 minutes of silence dallas spoke
"Hey doll your no in jail?"
Yh so the rest of the boys part from Johnny looked at me puzzled.
"What never seen a girl before"
"No we still don't wven know your name" steve said
"Thats Angelina Tucker" johnny said.
They all turned there heads back to me but i was getting mad by now so i walked into the kitchen.
Darry followed me by the time he go there i was sitting on the kitchen table with a cold expression, the only emotion i ever showed was either careless, cold or caring (towards like 2 people).
He sat down and we had a little chat and then he asked why i hated dallas so much. With that i got Johnmy to come over he knows EVERYTHING bout me theres not one singke detail he doesnt know except for my real last name.
I told Johnny to say the story coz i don't open up ever.
Then i walked out the kitchen so i didnt have to hear the story all over again.

Johnny's pov:

When Ange left the kitchen i began saying why she hated dally so much.
"Well he sorta caused her sister depression and that led to her killin herself"
Darry said "how'd dal cause..."
(Angelica and Angelina they were partners in crime sometimes,  angelica was older tho 'round Darry's age they used to date then she left without a word)
"So thats why she left" he said on the verge of tears.
"Actually theres more"
"Go on"
"Well basically she got pregnant with your baby and then" i got cut off
"WHAT" i kinda flinched and Ange was the first to rush into the kitchen and she hugged me i never understoo her, she was way colder then dally yet she has a soft spot for me why me idk.
I guess Ange and Darry started arguing and then Dally yes Dally slapped her. I walked to the back of the kitchen and pulled all the boys there coz what was boutta happen was gon be a whole movie.

Angelinas pov:
Dally slapped me i looked at him for a good minute and then charged at him we had a whole fight and i could tell someone was boutta pull me off dally but when im angry ain't nobody gon stop me.
We had a whole fight and it was still going then the phine rang Darty went to pick it up at furst i was still kickin and punching dally then i stopped when i heard what darry said.....


CEO of cliff hangers 😜🙂
What do u think darry said?
Whats Angelinas real name?
Why does Angelinahate dallas so much?

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