chapter 10

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Dallas's pov:

We stayed staring at eachother untill she collapsed. The gang didn't know what to say or do, Darry was just shocked and well Angelica freaked out.
Johnny was the first to run over to her, he yelled at the gang to take her to the hospital.

~~~time skip to the hospital~~~~

We were all in the waiting room, most of the boys sitting there not talking, Angelica shaking and Johnny walking around the room.
I hadn't noticed Darry trying to talk to me until he slapped the back of my neck.
"Dallas how'd ya know she was gon do that?"
"Coz she told me Darry i said that before".
"Can you tell me exactly what she said?" Darry asked.
"Yeah whatever man".
I told Darry everything and then the doctor came out.
"Hello family of Angelina Tucker here?"
Darry, pony and soda walked up to him and pony ran to Johnny and asked if he had the pill bottle, which he did and then he grabbed it off of Johnny and he ran back to were he was before.

Couple hours went by and we were all allowed to see her, one by one.

Angelica went first.
Then Darry.
Then soda.
Then steve.
Then Pony.
Then two-bit.
Then Johnny.
Then me.

When it was my turn i walked in to see her head down as if she had been scolded at.
"Gee kid your actin as if everyone hates you" I said.
"Th-thats the *siff* thing th-they do sniff*" she replied.
"Did they tell you?"
"No b-but most of the-them were a-angry at me".
"Im not mad at you just don't do it again you had me scared to death man"
We kept talking until i had to go.

I walked out of her room and became angry again i looked at 'the gang' and glared at them then i spoke.
"Which one of ya idiots decided it was a good idea to be mad at her man"
Sodapop, Steve and Darry looked at me then i got more pissed.
"She almost killed herself and you guys are mad at her?" I stopped and continued.
"That was the first time i saw her crying more then once. She needs us man and you guys are mad at her" i stopped and realised this girl was turning me somewhat soft.

We left the hospital and no one dared to say a single word. Except maybe two-bit trying to brighten the mood.


Idk what to write anymore, im losing hope in life

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