Chapter 15

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Today is the day I'm going to check up on the boys, i was getting ready when i heard my door creak open i thought nothing of it until hands were wrapped around my waist, I turned back and saw the one and only Dallas Winston. "What do you want i told you to come until 2 in the afternoon".
"I wanna talk", this dude- nah uh.
"I don't"

He left, no objecting just left, weird.
I was just hanging around my place when i heard Dallas's borrowed cars horn. I quickly ran and hopped in the car and he drove off.

The car ride was silent the only noise you could hear was the wind and the radio. I got bored so i finally decided to speak.
"Winston I'm bored"
He didn't say anything back, I rolled my eyes and turned the radio off.
"I said i was bored"
"I don't care go find something else to do, hey maybe jumping out this car would help"
The audacity this man has.
"Where were you that day" he spoke.
"That day you saw me and Sylvia why didn't you show up at our spot?"
"Uh passed out from bein jumped"
He didn't say anything back, he just sat there driving and he slowed the car down. Uh-oh.

After another hour of pure silence and hatred we saw the church. I litterly jumped out the car and ran, i couldn't care less about the entrence so i made my own, i went inside to see two small boys sleeping peacefully but of course Winston had to wake them up.
They were startled at first them realised who we were and they both ran to me giving hugs, then they started shooting so many questions.
Dallas was answering them though i was lost in my own world, i overheard him say that the police approached him about Bob’s murder and he told them that  he told the police y'all fled to Texas. 

I remembered the note Soda wanted to give Ponyboy, so i brought it out and gave it to him.
"Who's it from?" The boy said.
"The queen, who else you idiot it says Sodapop" i replied.

(An- so I really don't remember what was actually said most of the time so bare with me😅)

"Oh i didn't tell y'all, the soc's and us are having all-out warefare all over the city"
They boys looked stunned so i laughed.
"What's so funny shortstack" Pony said.
"If I'm shortstack your haystack and um nothing let's just go eat I'm hungry"
"Your hungry try eating bologna for days"

We were all in the car and this time it seemed much more happier.
"So what do you guys do for kicks here?" I said tryna make conversations.
"Well we read a book"
"Really? What's it called?" For some reason this fascinated me,
"Gone with the Wind"
"Oh I've read that before it's such a good book and there was this one poem that i absolutely love i can't rememeber the name of it um"
"Well how does it go?" Johnny spoke up.
"Enough boring chit-chat were here what y'all want?" God Dallas is a partypooper.

We were all eating and I'm not going to lie the good was good.
"Uh we got ourselves a spy what's her name again? The one i was hittin on at the drive-in"
"You mean Cherry Valance the soc?" Pony stopped monster eating his food stared shocked".
"Yeah Pony, Cherry the soc"
I saw his mouth curl into a small smile. I knew he was thinking bout something.

"I'm gonna turn myself in" The shy boy spoke.
"Over my dead body you ain't" i replied.
We went back and forth at eachother for like a minute before Dallas said something.
Johnny said another thing the words got sorta emotional and it was like that for quite some time.

We decided to drive back so the boys can get their stuff and we could take them home, or so we thought...

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