Chapter 14

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I was now currently walking home, i left my car at the DX because it needed a checking and i don't like going in the day time and seein then girls all over soda, sometimes i feel bad for Steve does he like ever get jealous? I'll never know.

I was almost at my house when i bumped into a street light, it caused me to turn my body slightly and then i saw two figures running, now usually I'd fight em off but then i realised who it was, Johnny and Ponyboy.

Pony was soaking wet and Johnny was shivering i told them to go to my house and we will talk there. We arrived and i asked them what the hell happend.
Their response shocked me.
"Johnny killed a soc"
I stood there dumbfounded my jaw on the floor, "well damn alright lemme help y'all hide out"

I told them there was this place called Windrixville, they could get there by a train, and i gave em money and a gun.
I honestly don't know why they didn't just go to Dally since he was closer, maybe they trusted me more eh i don't really care.

~~~~time skip~~~~

It's been two days no one knows where they are hiding except Dallas. I didn't want to tell him but i needed someone to drive me because Soda and Steve won't give me my car until i told them so Dallas was last resort.
In another three days we are going to go check on the boys to see how they are holding up, I'm currently getting hauled into the station alomg with Dallas because the fuzz suspects us as knowing where they are.

We arrived at the station and we git asked a lot of questions all answered smartly then the last question annoyed me 'WhErE aRe tHeY?' God officer jackinsen or as i like to call her jackass she's so self coincided and annoying.
Dallas answerd saying they were headed off to Texas, what a dumb answer yeah of course a 14 and a 16 year old boys will have enough strength and energy to go there but that dumbass of a cop believed it.
How i will never know. I've realised i don't know the answer to a lot of questions i have been asking myself lately. Why i don't know, I did it again fu-

We were on our way to the Curtis because i haven't seen two-but in ages, kind of miss his jokester of a ass.
As we arrived there Dallas locked the doors to the car, i gave him the most deadliest stare i have ever given someone he sighed and opend the doors i ram out of the car and into the house witha big smile on my face because guess who was there the one and only TWO-BIT YAYY.
The way i ran so fast and hugged him amazed everyone, i never willingly hug people.
I looked up and his smile got even bigger and obviously he gave me a beer. I wanted to mess with him so...
"Keith i missed you"
He glared at me and i started laughing so hard then i felt myself falling, i was getting tackled by two.
"Say uncle" he said
I turned him over so i was now tackling him and his dumbass left a comment.
"If we want this relationship to work i gotta be on top hun"
i let go off him laughing and i felt myself fall again but a good way because i was laughing so much.

We were having a good time untill we hears a knock and we know the greasers that come here never knock.
I decided to open it to Randy, closed it right in his face and told Darry to get it.
I went to the bathroom and stared at myself, i hated Randy because of what he did to me i hate his guts, I'll only ever talk to him if I'm talking with bob but he's dead so don't think I'll talk with him


"hey baby"
"Hey um Ange we gotta talk"
Oh no i don't wanna talk.
"What's up?"
"Um i want to break up"
"What why?"
"I um i like another girl and i feel something with her that i don't with you I'm sorry"
"Ok? Is that all your going to say? Not a no please don't break up or a no i love you, you can't leave me"
He turned and looked at me and spoke again.
"Your the most hearless and selfish person i know you probably slept with the whole town"
He slapped me and walked off.
"I'm sorry Randy i don't know how to love" i replied quietly just enough for him to hear me. He turned back and spoke "imma just go find a girl who does then". Then we walked off...

~end of flashback~

Ever since that day i hated Randy. I didn't notice Darry was staring at me with a concerned look.
"What never seen a girl have a flashback before?"
"I've never seen one do it at my house so no.." i stared at him because his comment was stupid.
I took a breathe "what he want?"
"Um i don't know why but he wanted to talk to you"
The breathe i was holding was let out and i stomped off to see Randy still at the door.
"Um Ange-"
"Don't call me that name but let's go outside and talk" he followed me outside to the porch. I stared at him coldly "what"
"I uh I wanted to apologise for the stuff i said that day it was stupid and i realised we weren't supposed to be togather, heck me and Marcia aren't even working out properly. What im tryna say is you can love, i can't"
With that he got up and left leaving me there just staring at the sky.

What did he mean he can't love? Is it because his relationships don't work out or another reason? These questions that keep coming through my head that i can never answer are actually annoying.

People keep wanting to talk to me and i keep shutting them out not letting them why? THESE QUESTIONS UGH.
i didn't relaise i shouted the last bit but the gang ran outside and stared at me i looked at them saying a slight sorry and i walked off.

My month has been repetitive, walking off, questions i can never answer, findinf out things i don't want to.
What's next someone dying?

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