7. Saving Moon

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Sun's Pov

We ran out of their house with Gladion in the lead. He stopped once we made it to a house that looked abandoned. "C'mon let's go," Gladion said as he walked up to the door. He motioned for us to come next to him. "This is the trap door Moon fell into, you can only through if you step on the button right here," Gladion said as he motioned to the button at the very corner of the door. He put up three fingers counting down all the way to zero. Right when he put his last finger down he pressed the button with his foot. We all fell down the trapdoor, trying not to scream. Gladion seemed relaxed though. He grabbed a lever and pulled it, making a floor appear under us. Hm, I wonder how Gladion knows all of this. Could he be part of team skull? Gladion kicked his foot under me, I looked at him with a confused and angry face. He then shoved us into a room. Is he trapping us!? If he is, I will kill him the next time I see him. "I'll distract Guzma, there is a lever in there that leads to behind all of his junk. You'll probably be able to get Moon there," Gladion explained.

We looked around for the lever that Gladion was telling us about. "Oh! I found it!" Serena said, "Great now just pull it, Serena!" Ash replied. Serena pulled the lever, the floor beneath us fell. Kiawe lifted his head up and grabbed another lever that made a floor appear beneath us. When the floor stopped moving down we saw a door. Ash who was in the back walked to the front and opened the door. "Okay. Let's go guys." I said as a went on to both of my knees and hands as I crawled behind Guzma's junk. I motioned for the others to follow me.

We all crawled behind anything that would cover most of us. It seemed like Moon was pretty close to them. I looked around some more until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Gladion. "Call out a pokemon, Guzma left for the Team Skull meet. I told him that I had to miss it because of Lillie. We can get Moon then leave." Gladion whispered. I nodded. I took out one of Moon's fennikin. Fennekin looked at me with a confused face, "Hey Fennikin could you cut the ropes that are keeping Moon on the chair? Make sure not to hurt her though." I asked Fennikin, "Fenne!" Fennekin ran over to Moon and scratched the ropes. Moon looked over to us.

Moon's Pov

"Fenne!" Hm? was that Fennekin? But I could have sworn that I left my pokemon at Lillie's house. I then felt something cut the ropes. I looked behind me to see everyone motioning me to follow them. I quietly got off from the chair and crouched towards them. Gladion motioned for us to follow him. "Fennekin return," I said quietly. We went up this tunnel which was kinda like an elevator. 

When the floor stopped Gladion lightly shoved us all out of the tunnel and stepped off of the floor. A few seconds later the floor dropped back to the bottom. 

Gladion called out Silvally and got on Silvally's back, "Ok, Lillie, Moon, Serena, Ash and Sun. You guys come on Silvally, it'll be quite squishy. Kiawe, you have Charizard with you right?" Kiawe nodded and called out Charizard. "You take Mallow with you." Gladion said as he pointed at Mallow and Kiawe. "Then Sophocles and Lana can hang on to Hawlucha!" Ash said, satisfied with Gladion's plan. After Ash called out Hawlucha and everyone was ready to go, they were off.

Little did they know a certain leader was watching them, and planning his revenge on Gladion.

Everyone Needs A Moon (Gladion x Moon) ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now