21. Hmmmm

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???'s POV

Alola, Sun, Moon, I'm here! I have my plan all planned out! And NOTHING will get in my way! Not even that pesky old woman, I can't believe she thought that I LOVED her! Umbreon and I will RULE Alola! And after, all of the other regions next! I've already got Sinnoh! That poor girl, uh, Day? Afternoon? Uh, it was um Dusk? oh, wait no, Dawn! I could feel the love going to a certain boy I think it was Ash Ketchup? Ya Ash Ketchup. (ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ) But it wasn't true, I know it! But the Ketchup guy's love for her or the other girl, I think Serena Yvonne. Oh well, I'm not here for the high school love, that stuff only has drama, I don't need any of it! But Serena and Ketchup are important to my success! Why? 

It was back when I was a young good man,


When I got my prophecy, 

I was going on an adventure, on acres that no one has ever stepped a foot on! This land later became Alola. I came across this tree, it was large, larger than any other tree, it was a willow tree. Just like other willow trees, it was magnificent and beautiful. It was as if the great tree called to me, only for me. It was like the tree and I were magnets, both attracted to each other, no one else. I placed one hand on to the trunk, once I did I was brought to a different place, home, my father was on his bed with my mom crying while holding his hand, what is happening, could dad be dying? No, he can't be, he's strong! 

My Charmeleon took my hand off of the willow tree, but I put my hand back on. This time there was a different image, it was of a man, in a white and purple cloak, he had scissors and a string, that string is my dad's life, and he's gonna cut it... NO. 

My hand was again taken off of the willow tree, this time not only from Charmeleon but also my Wartortle and Raichu. They all had a worried look on their face. They are strong but they won't be enough to defeat that man, he can end our life. I looked back to the Great Tree, Lend me your power, give me the strength to defeat him! Please...please...for him. I collapsed onto my knees, as I took a stick and cut my arm, give a gift, my blood, give a reason, for my dad, Why should I, I-I love him. I could feel a surge of power go through my body, I grant you good, don't disappoint me. 

A bond never broken, where water and fairy are in true love, When one doesn't know their feelings, and it is too late, strike, the light will shine, the dark will be shadowed, dark spends it's time to start an alliance, with one who wants it ALL. One will be good one will be bad. The water will wash the fairy with strength more powerful than anything.


Everyone Needs A Moon (Gladion x Moon) ~Discontinued~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon