22. Back to Where It all began

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Mallow's POV

OOOoooOOOOOoOooOOooooOOOo! All these berries are just perfect! We headed back to the beach with Eevee in Moon's arms, so cute! Once we made it away from all the bugs in the forest and back to the beach, I put all of the berries away while Moon ran to the others. Gladion was having a water fight with Lillie, Kiawe, Lana, and Sophocles. Moon joined them as I looked around, hmm Ash and Serena aren't here, "Hey guys! Do you know where Serena and Ash went!?" I yelled out to them, they looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Hmm weird, I'm sure they'll be back soon, I'm sure of it...

Ash's POV

Serena and I were just chilling on floaties when a wave bigger than any ordinary wave swept us away, it happened so fast. We were separated from the force of the wave, Before I could swim back to Serena, Something grabbed her, making her go underwater, the last thing I heard was, "ASH!" I dived down, but once I opened my eyes underwater, Serena was nowhere to be seen. I grabbed onto my floatie to get air. Not too long after something grabbed my leg, Serena? But it wasn't, it pulled me down underwater, before I could see what pulled me down, I blacked out. 

???'s POV

I am now in the forest where it all began. The Great One has been calling me, I had to come back. There was an opening where the Great One was. There were flowers and pokemon there. "It seems like you've changed a lot friend," I said as I took my staff, I made sure to always have the bottom of the staff sharp, for times when I have to offer a gift. I cut my self and let the drop of blood soak into the dirt. "Dear friend, I must know where water and fairy are, I need them, please let me see your vision," I pleaded as placed my hand on the tree. 

It heard me and showed me it's vision. A picture of a beach appeared, could they be at the beach? An image of a boy with raven black hair and a honey blonde girl appeared, they seemed to be alone at that beach without their friends. Perfect, I can just swoop in from below, although I am not the water element, my power should be strong enough to let me go underwater, after all, I can use my psychic powers to create a wave to bring them apart, Ketchup will just grab her if I try to get her when they are close, after bringing her to my base I can take Ketchup. (BY THE WAY, I KNOW THAT IT IS KETCHUM) I took my hand off of the tree, thank you my frie-, I was interrupted my a stufful putting my hand back onto the tree, the image that appeared was, FATHER

It showed him in this opening with seeds, he came here in Alola before me!? He dug up a hold and dropped the seeds in it, he covered it with dirt, he looked around for liquid to water the plant with, he then got an idea, he took a stick and cut his arm and let a single drop soak into the dirt, "This will be no ordinary plant, I can feel it, with a gift I hope for this to grow with great power," The stufful that put my hand on the tree took my handoff. Dad planted this tree!? 

I looked back to the Great One, "I'll bring him back, I will, no doubt, please believe in me," I said as I went off to find Water and Fairy as I replayed the prophecy in my head, 

A bond never broken, where water and fairy are in true love, this must mean that Yvonne and Ketchup are in love. When one doesn't know their feelings, and it is too late, strike, this line means that one of the two doesn't know about their love for the other, and once it is too late for them I must strike? But what does it mean by strike? the light will shine, the dark will be shadowed, dark spends it's time to start an alliance, with one who wants it ALL, So what they mean by strike is to, start an alliance with the one who is shadowed. I know that I am the one who wants it all, I must rule all regions to meet the one who chooses who lives, I must bring back dad. 

One will be good one will be bad. It seems like I will have either water or fairy on my side, all the elements are powerful but because of their bond and forbidden love, their love makes those two strong! Having one of them with me will allow me to successfully control all of the regions! Maybe after getting dad back I'll make those regions a place for us humans! The pokemon shall go! This is OUR time of age!

The water will wash the fairy with strength more powerful than anything, Power more powerful than anything?! I must have water on my side, I must! But having fairy would be fine. I'll just need to wait to see just what that power is! 

I look around, this is the beach. I teleport to my underwater base and go for a search for them, I need to keep a close watch for floaties, colored pink and blue.

oop, sorry, I have noooo good name for ??? you might need to wait till Tuesday to find out, or if you want you can comment some names, but from what I know, you probably won't, oof.

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