23. Ikarishipping in Alola?

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Dawn's POV

I seriously can't believe it! IM TRAVELING WITH MY CRUSH! Paul! It's been a long time since I seen Ash I wonder how he's doing, I miss his dumbness and stupidity and his beautiful raven black hai- WAIT DAWN GET A GRIP YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON PAUL! Well, Paul and I just landed in Alola, hoping to get away from Sinnoh since this man took over Sinnoh entirely in just a few minutes, he used moves we've never heard of, and they were STRONG. We walked out of the plane and into the airport and after we looked to the left we looked over to the right,  we saw him! The man who took over Sinnoh. He will definitely recognize us, I was with Paul when Paul tried to battle him in an attempt to give people time to evacuate Sinnoh, by foot or by plane or boat. It worked but Paul's pokemon were seriously injured. So when we saw him, we went left right away, trying to avoid him. 

Narrator's POV (explaining this element stuff)

When he was given the element of psychic, other elements were given to other lucky people. 

Fire to one whose heart burns hotter than Wela volcano, Kiawe. 

Grass was given to a girl, a marvelous chef that has a bright future, Mallow. 

Dark, to the one, fought for his love, and seems as dark as night, Gladion. 

Normal, to a girl who thinks of others before herself and traveled with her brother around the regions of earth, Moon.

 Ice, to one who was once scared of pokemon, but broke the ice and became friends with pokemon, Lillie. 

Electric to a determined, boy, fascinated by electric types, Sophocles.

 Water to a girl, in love with the ocean, the sea, Lana. 

One element, normal, decided to go to another trainer, to a boy who fought alongside his pokemon and traveled the regions with his sister, Sun.

When fairy and fire were going to their trainer part of fire mixed in with fairy, fairy/fire, went to a performer, hoping to be queen of Kalos, Serena.

Part of dark and water also mixed together, creating dark/water. Dark/Water went to a boy who chose to never give up and helped various pokemon and people, Ash.

These lucky people were given great power, it is their choice to use it for the good or bad.


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