10. Revenge?

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It is now the afternoon and we all decided to go to the beach again. This time though it was going to be much more different for Moon and Gladion. 

Everyone was in the water laughing and having fun when Moon suddenly had the urge for ice cream. "Hey, guys! I'm gonna go get us all vanilla ice cream!" "Okay!" everyone said continuing to have fun.

Guzma's Pov

Perfect. Gladion came right for that Moon girl. I can just use her as bait. Once Gladion realizes that Moon is taking long he'll go looking for her, then he'll be all mine!

Moon's Pov

Ok, so first I just have to get to the ice cream stand then get ice cream then go back. Easy. 

I wonder why I feel a certain way about Gladion now. Do I have a crush on him? I was in line to order the ice cream when I felt someone grab me from the shadows and cover my mouth.

Gladion's Pov

Hm. I wonder what's taking Moon so long. She should be back by now. I got out of the water and walked in the direction of the ice cream stand. I might as well go find her, maybe I can get two ice cream!

I called out Silvally because Silvally could track her down so it'll be easier to find her. Once we made it to the ice cream stand Moon was nowhere in sight. Silvally tried to find Moon's scent and once he did he looked over to the dark alley where Moon would probably not go to. We ran in the direction of Moon's scent. We had to go down some stairs to get to where she was. We could hear screaming and crying that was most likely from Moon. 

I returned Silvally and started to walk in the direction of the screaming. I was soon able to see Moon. She was caged up in the middle of a room, with rattata beneath her, clearly wanting to eat. Moon was also caged up with lots and lots of berries, that's most likely what's making them so hungry. Guzma probably did this. He probably saw me help the others. I just wanted ice cream!

I decided to just get Moon, get the ice cream then return back to the others as quickly as possible. And the quickest way to do that was to confront Guzma. 

Everyone Needs A Moon (Gladion x Moon) ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now