11. Saving Moon again

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Gladion's Pov

Ok, it's time to show myself. Moon looks like she's in trouble and I should probably get her. Guzma should be somewhere around here so I should be careful. 

I walked out from the spot I was hiding with my Lyanroc right next to me. When I stepped a foot into the light Guzma spoke, "So Gladion, you're here," Guzma also went out of the dark. We started to walk around, making sure that we were still facing each other. Moon looked up when she heard Gladion's name, "Gladion?" she said with a weak voice. 

"Why do you want her?" I asked. "Oh I don't want her I want you." Guzma replied with a grin, "Here, let's make a deal, you can replace her. She can go unharmed as long as you take her place, and I would make a choice quickly, these rattata seem really hungry!" Guzma lowered the cage a little, but just enough that a rattata was able to scratch the bottom of the cage. "Let her go," Gladion said quietly, but loud enough for both Moon and Guzma to hear. "No!" Moon screamed, "Yes!" Guzma cheered. Guzma tried to help Moon get out but he couldn't since Moon slapped his hand away and jumped down by herself.

She then turned her attention to Gladion, Moon ran over to him and hugged him, "Gladion. I, how do I say this?" Moon sighed, "Well, thank you. I, I like you a lot. Like more than a friend. I know we haven't known each other for that long, like maybe just a couple some weeks. But I have feelings for you." Did she really just? "I like you too," I said before hugging her just a bit tighter then letting go, and walking over to Guzma.

Moon's Pov

I braced myself for a rejection, but instead, he replied with the answer I wanted to hear, "I like you too." He hugged me a bit tighter then walked over to Guzma. Guzma pointed over to the cage and Gladion went into it. He looked over to me and waved. I broke down into tears. This can't be happening. Why did he let me go? Guzma put Gladion into a different cage. Guzma pushed a button and Gladion was being put in electric as strong as a pikachu's thunderbolt. Gladion seemed like he was in so much pain, and all I could do was watch and cry. 

Guzma seemed to really like this, seeing two people suffer. But I could tell that it wasn't enough. He didn't want to just torture people, he also wanted to earn something from a certain someone. "Guzma! Why? Why do you do this?" I asked Guzma, it seemed more like a scream of betrayal than the calm voice I was hoping for. Guzma stopped pressing the button and stared at me, Gladion collapsed and almost fainted. "I, I, Kukui," Guzma stuttered as he looked down to the ground. He looked back up, "I've always wanted the praise Kukui gets from Hala, but I'm just not good enough, I put out all of my emotions on other people by torturing them. It was the only thing I thought of doing."    "But you don't need to do this! Just prove to Hala that you are just as good!" I took the chance to run over to Gladion, "But you just need to train hard to receive the praise that you deserve! And this is not the way to do it!" Guzma nodded and suddenly took off so quickly that I couldn't see which way he went. 

I got Gladion out of the cage and we walked together back to the ice cream stand.  Gladion got the two ice creams that he wanted. 

Everyone Needs A Moon (Gladion x Moon) ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now