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[A/N] Hii everyone. Thanks for reading Cherry Contact. I'm still figuring out when the best times I should post, I'm thinking every 2 days or maybe every day. I'll see. Anyways here is chapter 3. I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to share this story (you don't have to). love you all. 

You have got to be kidding me. "Diana. Come in" he said while waving his hand at me. I hesitate before I give in and walk towards him. Before we sat down next to his other friends, I ask him, "How did you get my phone number?"

"I have my ways" he responded with a wink. 

He places his hand behind my back and introduced me to his friends

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He places his hand behind my back and introduced me to his friends. It was so dark in the VIP lounge so I couldn't see their faces. "Everyone, this is Diana Jacobs, she is the one who dressed me up tonight" he told them. I didn't even notice he was wearing the black tux I picked out for him yesterday. Before I got a chance to say something another voice spoke up. "Nice to meet you. I'm Niall and these are our other friends, Liam, Zayn and Louis." He said to me as he stood up to shake my hand. As he stood up, I was able to see his face clearer. Oh my god. It's THEM. The rest of the boys get up and give me a small hug to say hello. I look at Harry with shock and confusion. "Why am I here?" I whispered in his ear. He looked me and just smiled. Not one word. "So, what brings you here Diana" Liam asked me.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask your friend Harry?" I replied with some sass. I look at him to see what his reply is going to be.

"Well. I need to ask you a question..." he said to me. "what is-" I got interrupted.

"DIANA!" Olivia shouted at me through the guards. I was relieved to see her face. I need to get out of here before I do something embarrassing. "I'm sorry, I have to go." I tell Harry. I wave at the other boys and I leave.

I finally got home. My feet were killing me. As I go run a bath for myself, I think back to what happened at the bar. I still can't believe I met One Direction. This is every girl's dream. As the warm bubbles flow over my soft, tanned skin, my phone starts to ring. It's an unknown number. I have a feeling this might be Harry. I decided to let it go to voicemail. That man confuses me. I just need sleep. I got out the bath, dried myself and flopped straight into bed. The minute my head hits the pillow, I was out like a light.

The next morning, I wake up with a terrible hangover. I walk to the bathroom covering my eyes since it was so bright, I grabbed the aspirin and put my face under the faucet to drink some water. I grab my phone and see if I have any new messages.

Liv: What happened to you last night?

Liv: Was that Harry?

Liv: hellooooo

I type my reply.

Me: I got a message from an unknown number to come to the VIP section. Turns out it was Harry AND the rest of One Direction was there!

Me: Are you at work?

Liv: I got food poisoning last night. Could you cover me?

Me: ugh. Fine.

After that conversation, I jumped into the shower just to rinse off my hungover-ness. And I threw on a casual outfit. I don't feel like going all out for work today. It' Saturday, so I'll give myself a free pass. I got to the store, did all the opening up jobs. I pour myself a cup of coffee to give me some energy and strength. Maybe having 5 martini's last night was a bit too much. The day went by. Nothing interesting. I sorted out price tags and hangers and I scheduled all the fitting sessions. As I'm about to start closing the store, one more customer comes in. "Sorry we're cl-" I try to say to the customer. I look up and see that it was Harry... again. "What are you doing here again?" I ask him. He looks dead at me, piercing through my soul with his blue eyes. "I need to buy a hat" he said to me with a smirk. I want to roll my eyes so badly, but he's going to see it, instead I reply, "what kind of hat?"

"surprise me" he answers while giving out a small laugh.

I look around the hat section and I try picture what he would look like with it on. I found the perfect one. "Here" I said as I pass the hat to him. "it's a fedora". He tries the black fedora on. He runs his fingers through his long, curly hair and places the hat on. He looks so good. He looks at me and gives me a spin to show off his new hat. I let out a small giggle. I take the hat off his head cheekily and ring it up at the cashier. "You know what... it's on the house" I told him as I put it in a bag.

"You don't have to do that" he responded.

"it's fine." I said. "can I ask you something?". He nods his head. "What was last night about?" I asked him as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I wanted you to meet my friends" he said with a wink. That doesn't really answer my question. As I try to ask something else, he spoke, "I actually needed to ask you a question?" I looked at him with confused, "I was supposed to ask you last night, but your friend called you... I wanted to ask if you would like to be my personal stylist" he said to me. My jaw dropped to the floor. This is a joke. What the. "Ummm what?" I shouted out.

"Yeah. My old stylist bailed on me remember" he replied. I do remember him telling me the first day we met.

"That's insane. You're joking right. I have a job. Why me?" I asked him with utter confusion and shock.

"Think about it" he told me, "here's my number. Let me know" he said as he wrote his number on his receipt and gave it to me. He smiled and walked out the store. 'What the hell just happened?'

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I promise the chapters will get longer, But let me know what you think of Cherry Contact so far. 

see you in the next chapter! 

if you want to know when I update my story, make sure you have your notifications on for Wattpad and add this book to your library :) 


byeeeee x 

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