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[A/N] Hiya! how is everyone. okay so here is the next chapter. 

before we start, there's a few things I'd like to say :)

1. thank you for those supporting this story and for reading it. I'm trying my best to be a good writer and explore new ways to make this story more interesting

2. I would really appreciate if you could vote and share this story, I just want cherry contact to reach a lot of people and see where things go. I always loved to write stories and I just want to see if I could make this into some sort of career in the future

3. please feel free to comment your thoughts about each chapter, what I can improve on or what you guys want to see. 

anyways. shoutout to my loyal readers. I appreciate you.

alrighty, on with the chapter...

I'm weak, my cheeks are red, my eyes are puffy, my nose is runny. My heart is broken. I've been awake all night, it's now 5:30am, sunrise is on its way. I am completely drained from emotion. I never knew my eyes could produce so much tears. I must have lost a lot of water weight last night. Now is not the time to joke. I am mad now. I was sad all night but now I'm mad. Mad at Harry, Mad at Louis, Mad at myself. The rest of the boys would have to know his secret. They all kept it from me, they let me get hurt. And here I was to think that not all men are trash. Well, look where that got me. I'm stuck in a hotel room in the middle of Europe. My train of sad thoughts got interrupted by a knock at the door. I know who it is. I don't want to open it but at the same time, I need to confront him and I need him to explain what the fuck is going on. I get up from the bed, I quickly throw away all the tissues on my way to the door. I open it quickly and turn back around and walk to the bed. "Morning. Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed". Okay now I want him to shut up with his jokes. I ignore his comment and lay back in the bed. "Wait, what's wrong. Why does it look like you've been crying the whole night?" he asks, finally realizing my expressions.

"Because I've done exactly that. Do you want to know why I did that?" I ask, dragging on the 'why'. All he does is nod his head and sits on the bed with his hands in his lap.

"A little birdie, or should I say Louis, mentioned that you two are together." I tell him and he immediately sits up straight, "I need you to explain right now" I raise my voice at the end of that sentence. I am furious. I can't believe him. He tries to respond but all he does is stutter. "We were together but I broke things off" he finally replies.

"So it's true. You love him" I ask straight up, trying to get to the point.

"I do. I did. I don't know. It's complicated"

"when, when did you end things with him"

"In Italy, when I realized that I had... had feelings for you" he admits. Ugh, him saying that makes things way more complicated than it should be. Why would Louis tell me all of this now. Crap, he must've known about Harry and I before the show yesterday. Shit.

"were you ever planning on telling me, or were you just going to keep your sexuality a secret from me, a person who you so-have feelings for?" I say as I get up from the bed and walk to the door. "you need to go. I need space to think". I open the door gesturing for him to leave. He walks past me, "I'm so sorry Diana.". I shut the door and just fall onto my bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering what the fuck am I supposed to do now. It's 7am now. I skip breakfast and head straight to the bus. Harry won't be here with me so, I have the entire bus ride to think about what just happened.

Harry's POV

Fuck, what did I just do. I hate it when she's mad at me. I'm mad at me. I'm also mad at Louis, he had no right to tell her. I was going to but then we took things to the next level and I didn't want to ruin anything. I walk downstairs to the café and I immediately make a bee line to Louis, I grab him by the ear and I pull him out of his seat and drag him to the opposite side of the café where no one was seated. "What the actual fuck Louis!" I whisper yell at him. All he does his smile. I can't believe him right now. "You had no right to fucking say that to her."

"what. She had the right to know what's going on in her lover's personal life"

"WE ARE OVER LOUIS! WHEN CAN YOU GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD" I shout at him, I am now furious.

"BUT I STILL LOVE YOU HAZZA" he shouts back. we've now gotten every ones attention with our yelling.

"Stop. Stop loving me. It hurts and it's making things complicated" I can't handle this anymore. I end up not saying anything else and just go back to my room. This is so fucked up. I fucked up. I have feelings for her. And I can't just ignore it. Louis and I had our moment and it didn't end up well. It's over. I don't know what's going to happen between us. All I know right now is that I need to fix things with Diana. I try to call her but she doesn't answer. I get why, if I were her, I'd ignore my calls too. I feel so terrible for not telling her. I wanted to but at the right time. How do I tell the person I have feelings for 'Oh hey, I like you but I also like boys, one of them being Louis'. I just want to talk to her. She makes me so happy. She's shown me a new side of myself which I haven't seen. I'm usually not the 'outgoing' type. I like being by myself and I don't really talk much but when I first saw her, all of that disappeared, it was like I was a different person. I just needed to see her more. I went to her shop every day because I wanted to see her as well as see what this new side of me was and I like it. I feel way more confident. My bags are already packed so all I need to grab is my phone charger and phone. I really didn't want to be on the same bus as Louis right now but I can't be on Diana's bus either. I'm just going to lie in my bunk bed and stay there, muting out the rest of the world. I just want to talk to her. I hesitate for a second but I pull my phone from my pocket and text her, hoping she reads it. I'm sorry. Please talk to me. I'll do anything.

I chuck my phone beside me, knowing she probably won't answer, that's until my phone vibrates. Later. That's all she says. At least she replied and that she knows I want to talk. We're headed to Germany, so it's gonna be a while till we arrive. I miss her already. How did we go from lovers in bed to whatever this is. I hate it. I hate myself for causing this.

I ignored Louis for the entire bus ride. I just kept to myself. Didn't really speak to anyone. I just reflected and thought of things to say to Diana. I really want things to work with her. She's so special to me. we've now arrived at our next hotel. We only have a few minutes to check in and sort out things till we have to leave for the gig. I still haven't seen Diana. I'm probably only gonna see her when she dresses us. I miss her. I don't know why I miss her so much. We just arrived at the stadium, I immediately get out the car and make way to the dressing room in hopes of seeing her. As I walk in, the room goes dead silent until Lou breaks this awkward silence, "Come on Hun. Let's get your hair done" she says while pointing to the chair beside her. Diana is just standing in the corner, fixing the clothes on the clothing rack, trying to make herself busy. She knows I'm looking at her, she does this thing with her feet where they overlap each other as if her one foot is trying to itch the other. She's nervous. I'm the one who should be nervous, I need to talk to her, I need to tell her my feelings no matter how difficult it is. Lou finishes up with my hair and I move straight to Diana. She doesn't speak till she passes me the clothes, "these should be fine. We can always change it if you don't like it" she says while looking to the ground. All I want to do is hug her and tell her how sorry I am. Not right now, I need to talk to her in private, "I'm sure I'll love it" I reassure her. As I head into the bathroom, I hear the rest of the boys coming in, they were probably outside having a smoke. As soon as I'm dressed I walk out the bathroom, no one except notices my presence. The boys are all on their phones. "good. You look good" she says. I look straight in her eyes, her eyes are absolutely breath taking. I wish I could look into her eyes every second of every day. "I'll be in the games room down the hall, come talk to me when you're done." I tell her. I walk off and the door shuts behind me. I hope she comes. I need her to come. 

ooooouuuu so what do we think? drammaaaaa

tell me what you think about this chapter :) 

I'll see ya in the next chapter!

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