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[A/N] oops. sorry for not being active recently. I have been SUPER busy with college and work. literally haven't written anything in forever. so far I've prewritten chapters to chapter 19. so I won't be posting chapters as frequently as I used to. I'll let y'all know when I can come up with a posting schedule. I have half-term until January so I'll have some time to write. anyways. here is chapter 17. it's quite a long one for me... +4000 words.

Diana's POV

I want to talk to him. I need to talk to him but at the same time, I don't want to. I can't face him and not cry. The entire bus ride, I was in my bunk bed, curtains closed and I cried silently. I was so upset and mad. I let my feelings take the best of me but I need him to clear this foggy and dirty air, I need closure. I caught feelings and now I feel like a fool. I finish the rest of the boys clothes, I didn't speak to Louis at all. He doesn't even look at me. which is fine, I didn't really feel like looking at him. I head down to the games room, I give myself a mini pep talk, telling myself that I just need to calm down and listen. And that everything is going to be okay. My fingers touch the door handle, shivers already fall down my spine. My breath is shaky. Why am I so nervous? I open the door and I trip over my feet into the room. I'm such a mess. "are you okay?" he asks with a small laugh. All I do is nod my head and just situate myself on the couch across from him. He stands up and walks towards me and places himself seated next to me. "Diana... I am incredibly sorry for hurting you. I know there are no excuses to cover up what I did. All I'm going to say is that I was going to tell you, to come clean but things were so good between us, I didn't want to ruin things. I was scared, scared that if I told you, you would leave. I didn't want you to leave." I'm trying to form words but nothing comes out. He looks so sad and disappointed. "truth is, I like you, I like you a lot. You've really changed my life for the better. I found a new side of me which I never knew existed till I met you. Diana, I have feelings for you and I know this is the wrong time to tell you considering what happened yesterday but I had to get it off my chest. I had to tell you. I completely understand if you don't feel the same way, we can just stick to being friends." He finishes his explanation with his head in his hands. He admitted his feelings... for me. I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting that but at the same time I was. Him and I have this connection, we have chemistry and its obvious. I like him too. I'm so scared to tell him.

"I just wish you told me. I'm a very understanding person. Yes I would've been upset but I also would've gotten over it. it's just that Louis told me and I felt so dumb and I hate feeling that way. We have such a good thing, a spark and I was afraid to lose it. Harry, I... I like you too and I want to see where things go with us, now that I know more about you. Obviously it's going to be tough with Louis being around. Just please never keep something from me again. I forgive you but next time, if you keep something from me, I might just leave." Wow. It feels good to get that off my chest. I cant believe I just told him how I felt. Oh gosh. I hope this works. I want us to work. I'm looking down at my fidgeting hands. I can't look at him. I – he takes my chin in his warm hands and lifts my face up ti face him. His eyes are glossy as if he was crying, his smile is so big, you are able to see his very cute dimples. I missed his touch. I miss the taste of his lips. I miss him. I'm the one to make the first move. I cup his face in my hands and I pull him closer to me till our foreheads touch. I'm a bit hesitant but I go in for the kiss. his lips connect with mine, they feel and taste just how I remembered it. He has this Cherry flavoured chapstick that he literally brings everywhere with him, I love the taste of his lips. I get high from just kissing him. This rush flows through my body every time we touch.

It's now show time. The boys are about to walk out on stage. The crowd is loud as always. I think I need to buy one of those noise cancelling headphones. I'm going to go deaf one day from all this screaming. The show goes on, the boys are having a blast as always. As I watch those boys go wild, Lou approaches me and wraps her arm around my shoulder, "Hey, we're going out for drinks tonight, you coming?" she squeezes my shoulder. I had to think about it for a second. I haven't gone out since that night I saw harry and the boys in that bar. "Yeah, sure I'll come" I finally replied. On that note, I pulled my phone out to check the time 8:26pm. I got a bunch of texts from Liv as well.

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