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^ haha I just found this photo. we Stan bus driver harry

[A/N] without further a do , here is chapter 13. 

enjoy x 

"Olivia! What the hell are you doing here?" I shout as I grab her for a hug. I am mind blown at the fact she's here. I haven't seen her in months. It feels like years. "Oh I just wanted to see Italy but I remembered that you are here." She says sarcastically. I roll my eyes at her and hug her again. We have a good catch up and I get ready for breakfast. We head down to the café and I see that Harry is already there drinking his coffee with the rest of the boys. He obviously knew she was coming, that's why he left so early. He looks at me as a walk past and I give him a smirk because he's very cheeky. After grabbing something to eat, Liv and I have a last chat before we need to leave. We need to be in Barcelona by tomorrow. It's quite a long drive. She helps me pack up my bags and bring them downstairs. We say our goodbyes and we both get into separate cars. As I strap my seatbelt, Harry nudges my shoulder to grab my attention, "You okay?" he asks sincerely, I'm trying not to cry, I haven't seen my best friend in months and we only hung out for an hour. It's crazy. I nod in response to his question. If I physically speak, I'm going to sound like I'm about to cry. He kisses the side of my forehead to comfort me. I could do with more gentle kisses as a distraction but we are in a car with other people. Our tour bus is by a coach park down the road, so we took a cars to get everyone there. It was only a 5 minute drive until we arrived. All I did during the car ride was reflect on what's happening in my life and how crazy it is. 

Harry decides to join my bus again instead of the boys' one. It's quite cute that he wants to spend time with me. I think especially after what happened this morning, he just wants to make sure I'm okay. We head to our usual spot at the back of the bus, sitting on the couch looking out the windows. I lie on his lap while he brushes through my hair with his fingers. His touch is so gentle but it gives me butterflies. The rest of the crew are all chilling either in their beds or at the front of the bus, so Harry and I have a bit of privacy. "Can I ask you something?" I break the silence.

"yes love?" he says as I sit up and face him. This question I have has been lingering in my mind for a couple months now, I've been to embarrassed to ask it but I feel like I just need to rip off the band aid and do it. Just get it over with. "What are we? Like where is your head at when it comes to us?" I ask shyly while I'm fidgeting with my fingers. I am so nervous about his answer. What if he says there's nothing happening. I don't know. I'm overthinking. "Well, I like you... a lot. And I don't really know what we are, we can be whatever we want to be. I like being around you and kissing you, it's one of my favourite things to do." His response shocks me. my brain is melting. The way he said it sounds so relaxed. I'm gazing down at the floor trying to hide my pink cheeks. He lifts my chin so I can look at him in his gorgeous blue eyes. He gives a soft smile and cups my jaw with his warm hands. He presses his lips against mine, I wrap my arms around his neck as I straddle onto his lap without breaking the kiss. He wraps his arms around my back as we kiss with so much passion, I'm starting to become really hot, this tension in our kiss is building. It feels like I'm right next to a fireplace. He moves down to my neck giving me soft kisses and I sweep my fingers through the back of his hair. I pull him back up to my face still craving his lips on mine. He wraps one of his hands around my waist and grabs my hair with the other. Our deep breaths flow out of our mouths, inches away from each other trying to catch air. Our noses gently touch with our foreheads resting against each other. "I like kissing you too" I finally reply to his statement. Once we both caught our breath, Harry grabs a deck of Uno cards from the cabinet full of board games near the tv across from where we're sitting. I look at him with confusion wondering why all of a sudden we're playing Uno. "Just warning you, I'm very competitive" he says as he shuffles the cards in his hands. I roll my eyes at him

"good thing I'm competitive too. Watch out Harry Styles, Diana Jacobs has some tricks up her sleeve". He lets out a mysterious smirk trying to undermine my skills. 'Goodluck Harry, you'll need it. Uno is my top 3 best winning games' I say to myself.

It's round 5 of Uno, guess who won all of them so far... obviously me. He looks irritated with me, maybe I should let him win this next round. We've been playing for ages. I won most of the rounds until harry gave in. We still have another 4 hours till we arrive in Barcelona. Harry is passed out on the couch with his head resting on my lap, while I scroll through my twitter until I notice this article "Harry Styles and his new mystery girlfriend", I don't know why I feel so offended by this headline. I guess that I'm just not used to situations like this. I don't want to wake up Harry so I just ignore it until it becomes an issue again. I decide to go off twitter and text Olivia, "Hey, what you been up to since I left you this morning?" I ask. A few seconds later my phone vibrates in her response

"did a little sightseeing, I actually bumped into this really cute guy, I'm with him right now!" she replies.

"No ways. You better spill the tea"

"fine fine. His name is Ricardo, he's my age, him and I have been riding around this village on his vespa! Diana he has a VESPA, you know how much I love vespa's. anyways, we are at this cute café right now having lunch, I think he's going to pull a move on me today" I can hear her gossiping voice in this text. I guess I know her way too well.

"haha. That's cute. Well have fun and use protection" I reply with a winky face emoji and the eggplant emoji at the end of the text. Wow, I just realized how childish I am. I get that from Olivia. She sends back a laughing emoji in response. I put my phone down next to me and I brush my fingers through Harry's soft, curly hair.

He looks so peaceful, most times I observe him, it seems that his brain is just all over the place thinking of several things the same time. It's like there's a steam train inside chugging thoughts in his mind and you can see the smoke coming out his ears like you see in cartoons but right now there's no smoke, no steam train, his mind is quiet. I wonder what he thinks about. 

awww so cute. Harry and Diana's relationship is adorable. And I know that part with Olivia was quite short. there will be more Olivia action in the future. next chapter is gonna be.... interesting. see ya soon! 

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