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[A/N] sorry that I haven't posted in a few days, I've been busy at work and such. This is going to be a DOUBLE update since this chapter is short, so make sure to read chapter 10 after this. anyways, enjoy this chapter. 

5 days have passed. We just finished the last gig in Australia. Everyone has that adrenaline high as we rush off to the airport. We all got a great tan from being here, some may have been over burnt. We arrive at the airport to travel to Europe. The boys love the European leg of the tour, Liam kept saying he wants to try every local delicacy from each country so I said I'd be down to do it with him. After hustling through the airport and boarding the plane we finally make it to our seats and relax. I look over at Harry's seat and he's passed out. The adrenaline obviously wore off, I on the other hand am still buzzing. First continent done and now on to the next. Once we took off and made it to mid air where we can turn our phones back on, I scroll through my camera roll and look back on all the pictures I took of the boys and of all the places we visited. It still blows my mind that I am here doing these amazing things and getting paid for it.

Hours went by, I took a short nap and watched some rom-coms to kill time. Harry is still asleep. I don't want to bother him so I just let him be and besides if I talk to him, a conversation of what happened in Sydney will be brought up and I don't really want to talk about it. just thinking of that night makes me feel shaky and full of goosebumps. 6 hours later, we finally arrive in France. From the airport we were driven to these tour buses by the parking lot at the back of the airport. There were these 2 massive red buses. One was for the boys and the other was for the crew like Lou and I. Paul takes our bags and packs it underneath in the storage units, while Lou and I settle in the bus. The buses start up and begin driving. I went to go sit on the couch and look at the view of the highway and look at all the cars driving by as my phone starts to ring. It's Harry.

"Hey, sorry we didn't talk on the flight, I was tired" he said as I answered his call.

"It's fine. How's things your side?" I ask him as I try look back at their bus behind us.

"It would be better if you were here" he responded. I can tell he was smirking when he said that.

"Keep your voice down. The boys might hear you!" I shouted softly through the phone.

"It's fine. I'm sure they know about us by now"

"Louis asked me the other day where you were that one night. I was so nervous" I told him

"Louis just likes to butt into everything, don't mind him" he reassured me.

"Okay, well text me later" I said as I hung up the phone. I put my phone down and take out a book to read in the mean time. A few hours pass by, I'm pretty bored and exhausted. I take in the view from outside the bus as we drive down the busy highway. At this point, I'm counting the trees as we speed by. This is worse than trying to count sheep when you're trying to sleep. I check my phone to see if Harry has texted me... nothing. I was hoping he would at least check in on me, I guess not.

I take a very short stroll to the front of the bus where Paul is sitting, "How long until we arrive?" I ask Paul while stretching my arms.

"Still a very long time, 8 hours or so" he replied. 8 hours! Okay, well I guess I need to kill A LOT of time. Maybe I should have a nap.


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