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[A/N] CHAPTER 7!!! lets goooooo. 

enjoy ;)

3 weeks later

Tomorrow we leave for tour. It's crazy how fast time went. I've done all my shopping and prepping. I was emailed a list by their management on what I need to bring, passports and such. My suitcases are all packed and ready. I take a look around the room just to check if was missing something. My phone buzzed as I walk out of the bathroom. I go check to see who texted me, Paul will be picking you up tomorrow at 8 am. Can't wait to see you – H

I text him back a thumbs up. The rest of the day was quite boring. I did some cleaning and I gave all my food that would rot to my neighbour since I will be gone for a very long time. I find the spare key and leave it under the mat for Olivia just in case something happens. Other than that I just chilled and scrolled through Instagram. Hours went by, it's now night time. I order in some pizza for dinner since I have no food in my refrigerator and I eat it in bed and watch some Netflix. I can't believe tomorrow is the day. I haven't been to many places besides Europe, so it will be fun to see the rest of the world. I set my alarm for 7 am so I have time to double check and look a bit decent for the plane ride. The next day finally arrives. I put on some sweats and a tank top with a sweater around my waist. I brush my hair into a messy bun and pop on some makeup. Paul should be here any minute. I grab all my bags and lock up the apartment. 'See ya later apartment' I say to myself. As I got onto the elevator my phone starts ringing, "Hi it's Paul, I'm outside." He informed me.

"I'll be there now" I reply and hung up the phone. I walk outside and see this shiny, black SUV. It looks very expensive. Paul takes my bags and loads up the trunk. I hop in the back and I see a whole bunch of snacks in the cubby in the middle. Damn, so this is what it's like to be wealthy. We finally get on the road on the way to the airport. It's happening!

After quite a long car ride, we finally arrive. We drove around to the VIP drop off. As we turned the corner I see all 5 boys waiting outside with a bunch of suitcases. I open the door and immediately Harry turns around and comes to hug me. "You made it!" he shouted. I walk up to the rest of the boys and greet them. Our flight to Sydney, Australia leaves in an hour. There's about 12 of us here right now and the rest of the crew is apparently already in Sydney. We grab our bags and make our way through to the plane. After a lot of walking we finally board the plane. I show the air hostess my first class ticket and points me in the right direction. Coincidentally I'm sitting right next to Harry. I'm gazing around and its so fancy. I've never flown first class so this is so new to me. I look over at Harry and he's already watching movies. The air hostess comes by with some champagne. I take the glass from her and thank her. The rest of the boys are chatting till we finally take off. I love plane rides. Take off is my favourite. Once we got in the air and the seatbelt sign went off, Harry got up and walked towards my seat, "So, you excited?" he asked with a smirk. I look at him and give a huge smile at him, "Very" I replied, "this is such an amazing experience." We carry on talking until I really needed to use the bathroom, I got up and went to the bathroom. As I lock the door a foot stops the door from closing. A hand then pushes the door back open and shuts it quickly. I was confused for a second until I realized that Harry was in here with me. "What the hell are you doing?" I shouted at him but he puts his finger on my mouth to shut me up. He stares through my eyes like he always does. I am lost for words. I have a feeling I know what's going to happen next. He lifts me up onto the sink counter and pushes up against me and kisses me with force and passion. As the plane shakes, I grab onto him so I don't fall. I caress his hair and kiss him back. I pull his plain white T-shirt off and feel his warm skin. I run my fingers down his back as he takes my top off. This is all happening so quickly but it feels so good. "Harry we need to stop" I moan. I run my fingers through his messy hair which was tied up in a small man-bun. He runs his warm hands up my thighs and kisses me down my neck. "Harry" I try to say but I'm too distracted by his gentle kisses. He finally stops and puts his shirt back on. "I'll let you use the toilet now" he said with a wink and then left the bathroom. I do my business and make myself look less messed up, my hair was falling out my bun.

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