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[A/N] I'm not gonna say much here, all I wanna say is thanks for reading. vote and comment. share, do whatever you want. I appreciate everything. 

enjoy chapter 6. x

I start waking up, becoming aware of my surroundings, I can hear the birds chirping and the waves of the ocean. Very soothing to wake up to rather than morning traffic. I spoke too soon. I hear a bunch of voices coming from the lounge. I throw on a hoodie and go see what's going on. I open the bedroom door to see 4 other guys facing their back to me talking to each other. I clear my throat to interrupt them. They all turn around at the same time. "DIANA!" Niall shouted loudly. I flinch from his voice, I'm still tired. Why are the boys here, I wonder? "Hi boys?" I say with surprise and confusion. I look to find Harry to see what is going on.

"The boys are going to chill with us for a couple hours, since we are all here, us boys can get to know you better and same for you with us" Harry said to me while making me a cup of coffee. After last night I would've thought he would be acting a bit awkwardly like I am right now. "Oh okay" I reply as I go sit down on the sofa waiting for my morning coffee. The boys follow and sit around me. "So Diana, tell us stuff about you, last time we saw you it was very quick" Liam asked. What do I tell them, my life is so boring compared to theirs.

"I lived in LA till I was 18 and I moved to New York with my best friend Olivia to persue our fashion careers. I took a year off 3 years ago to go travel Europe and that gave me inspiration to open up my own store. My favourite colour is green and I am currently 22 years old" I explain to the boys. Harry comes with my coffee and places it in my hands. our hands gently touch, shivers fell down my spine just remembering last night. I thank Harry for the coffee and carry on talking with the boys. "How many relationships have you had?" Louis asked.

"Louis. No!" Harry shouted at him.

"It's fine. I've had one other relationship. It lasted about 2 years but he cheated on me so I ended it." I reply to Louis' question. Harry looks a bit mad about my answer. His eyebrows are furrowed and his arms are crossed. Why is he so mad? "I'm sorry. So you're single now?" Zayn asked. I nod to reply to his question. I take a sip of my piping hot coffee. It's really good. "Okay lads. No more relationship questions" Harry said to them. He kinda looks jealous.

The morning carries on. The boys keep asking their questions and I ask some questions about them. It was a fun conversation. They told me things that I never knew about. Most of their lives are on the internet, so it was nice to hear the raw stories right from their mouths. It's nearly noon. I quickly get changed because we decided to go the beach. Once I finished getting dressed we all walked down to the beach with some coolers and towels. Harry is in front of me wearing blue swimming shorts and a button up floral top. His sunglasses swoop his brown, curly hair back. He's carrying some sort of notebook in his right hand and he has a cooler in his left. Watching him feels like we are in slow motion. I'm just taking in the view. After a few minutes of walking, we finally get to the beach. It's quite hot today so hopefully the water is warm. I set my towel down and rip off my clothes as fast as possible. I just want to get into the ocean. I run down the beach, I jump right into the water and swim under the wave coming up ahead. I look back at the boys, they are all copying what I just did. They race each other down the beach into the water. Poor Niall is last. We all splash around in the water. It feels so refreshing. I'm really happy Harry took me here. I think I needed it.

As I swim back to shore, Harry races up to me

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As I swim back to shore, Harry races up to me. "Hey" he said a bit awkwardly.

"hey" I say back to him with a smile.

"We should talk about last night" he said while looking at the ground. I grab my towel to wipe my face and put my sunglasses on. We sat down on our towels and finally have the conversation. "I know what was stupid of me to do that. It wasn't professional and respectful of me. I'm sorry" Harry explained. He looked a bit sad when he said that. He must've thought he hurt my feelings or something. Ugh, why must he be so sweet. It's so hard to not like him. "It's okay. We just got heated up in the moment. You don't need to apologize. It was fun" I replied. He looked straight at me when I said the word 'fun'. He looked a bit surprised. A small silence formed until the boys all came back. They grab the soccer ball and play some soccer on the beach. The boys have their time while I lie down and catch a tan. An hour goes by. All the boys are back in the water, playing water fights. Louis and Liam seem to be winning. I look for my phone to check if I got any messages. I found Harry's notebook he was holding earlier. It was half open, I take a tiny peak at it. It looks like a whole bunch of lyrics. I shouldn't look anymore. I put it back and find my phone. No new messages. Wow I feel so loved. Not even a text from Olivia. It's fine. I put my phone down again and decide to join the boys. A few hours have gone by. We are all exhausted. We pack up and head back to the house. Once we got back, the boys dropped off the stuff and head back to the city. "See you soon Diana" Louis said as he hugged me goodbye. All the boys give me a hug and leave. It's not just Harry and I.

I flop onto the sofa and turn the tv on. Harry goes to the kitchen to make dinner. I would've thought he'd be the type to order food online. He is full of surprises. There's nothing interesting to watch so I just turned the tv off, instead I watch Harry cook. It smells so good. It's just a grilled cheese but it still smells amazing. We eat our food and laugh at a bunch of jokes that Harry comes up with on the spot. It's getting late. We leave early tomorrow. I take a shower but this time I lock the door just in case. My shower goes smoothly. No interruptions. I get dressed and hop into the nice warm bed. I turn the lights off and drift to sleep. I hear the door open. I sit up and see Harry walking in. "The couch is super uncomfortable" he said. It looks like he wants to sleep in the bed. I turn the lights back on and look at him. He looks tired. He has to drive tomorrow so I guess he can sleep next to me. it's his bed anyways. I pat my hand on the empty side of the bed to gesture that he can sleep here. He smiled when I said yes. He jumps into bed and I turn the light off. "goodnight" Harry whispered.

"Goodnight" I reply back but he's already asleep.

It's the next morning. My alarm went off and it startled Harry. He rubs his eyes like a little kid. It's cute. I get up and open the blinds. "ahhh the light" Harry said with a vampire accent. I laugh at his comment. I pack up my stuff and get ready for the day. I made some coffee for myself and Harry as he packs his things. I pour the coffee in a to-go cup and bring it to the car. We finally get on the road. I took a small nap in the car on the way home. We talk more and listen to music. A few hours later, we finally get to my apartment. "Thank you for these past 2 days. It was really fun." I said to him.

"No problem. I don't know when I'll see you next but I'll keep in touch. Don't forget, 3 weeks till tour so make sure you bring a lot of stuff." He replies as he starts his car. We wave at each other and I walk to my front door. Wow, that little trip was eventful.

I walk into my apartment and see some flowers on the kitchen table. It's a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers. There's a note

Can't wait for tour – H . This man really is full of surprises. I put the flowers in a vase and chill on the sofa reflecting. I keep thinking back to that kiss we had. It was unforgettable. 

Wow. how fun. These boys really are something else. What are your thoughts on this chapter? 

anyways. thanks for reading, see you in the next chapter! 

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tpwk x

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