1- 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔬𝔢

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Over the course of the next few weeks, the dilemma of this angel grew larger and larger. Her entire existence could pose a threat if they made the wrong move. But, as far as she knew, the only people knowledgeable of her powers were the Section Commanders, and the additional Corporal Levi.

They started off with many different kinds of tests, one of the most popular being strength tests. The first is where she would go to the infirmary and heal injured Scouts. Her identity was enclosed to them, but they swore an oath not to say anything as thanks for giving them back their lives.

Others would include hand to hand combat. A couple of injuries and accidents later and those were removed completely. It was mainly her fault, though. She wanted to prove that she was able to handle her own, and

There was a huge dilemma on what to do with this newfound "angel" of theirs. The only people who knew were the Section Commanders, and Corporal Levi.

They started off with experimentation of her powers to test their limits. Hange had become quite fond of the angel that they were working with. In the process, she got hurt a lot and it severely drained her energy.

They found that she could heal up to 10 people at a time. Also, her illusion power became more intense the more she used it.

The next Scouting mission was coming up soon, so the main problem was where to place her. Ceitara had insisted that she would be in the front of the formation to help as many people as possible. Although her proposal was spot on and had good reason, everyone decided against it. Instead, they said she would be put with the Special Operations Squad, who would keep her safe and have her only be used if needed.


The first Scouting mission came about a month after her interaction with Erwin. Ceitara and Hange became close friends at that time and she acted as Erwin's right hand.

Her first trip outside Wall Rose was less amusing than she'd expected. She watched a titan kill a person: their body went limp, but their faces showed they were still there. It was a disturbing sight to see.

The Scouting mission had mostly been a success without any need for Ceitara's powers. She hadn't revived one person, and she didn't even kill a titan. Though, there were twelve people that she counted that died in front of her.


Sophie had smiled at Miche before leading her horse to the titans that were coming after them.

"Sophie, don't leave me," Miche whispered to himself.

Soon after leading the titans out of the Scouts way, she had been surrounded by all of them. She tried to fight them off, but was quickly squeezed by a titan's hand before getting eaten. Through the dream, Ceitara could hear Sophie's cry for help from nobody and her blood being splattered over the titan's mouth.


Ceitara had woken up from the vivid dream with the urge to vomit. She was sitting on the bathroom floor and could feel tears that she didn't want run down her face.

"You fought well, Sophie," she whispered to herself.


That's how most of the following missions went. She stayed in the middle of the formation and barely did much of anything.

Later on in her years of experience, she was moved to Erwin's main squad where she actually got some experience with titans in. After the previous one died, she became Captain of the most important squad of the Scouts. Then, she made it her own by lasting so long.

Sometimes, she would get those dreams the night after a mission, too.

Recently, they were on a mission and Commander Erwin ordered her to kill an abnormal nearby. She had done it successfully, but ended up breaking her shoulder in the process. The mission was put to a halt and it was tended to.

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