4- 𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔰 𝔲𝔭

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"It all makes sense now... That's why they were trying to kill you I assume. Because you found out and you weren't supposed to."

"They said it was a joke, but after, said I was too sharp."
"Too sharp?"


"We're going to have to kill him."


"Because he's too damn sharp. He'll get in our way. Plus, he knows information. I might be able to pry it out of him before shooting."


"That's because you are sharp. It's a good thing, don't get me wrong, but it probably wasn't ideal for the situation," she spoke.

"I don't want to be sharp if it's going to get me killed."

"No, no. It's a good thing. N-not you dying, but being intelligent. If they wanted you dead so badly, that means that they had something to hide... We can talk about it later, I think I might know what their goal was."


A couple of more hours passed by before Commander came back into the room. There was barely anything said or done in that time, just Ceitara's head flowing with theories and ideas about what happened on the day of the Fall of Trost District.

"Commander. Don't you think it's late?" she asked him, before he sat in a chair.

"It hasn't been dark for long, and I haven't been gone for long either. You probably don't have a good sense of time."

"Am I really that weak, now? That I can't even remember how time works?" she laughed, "You should get Marco's report first, starting from after we found Eren in a titan."

"The Captain knew that Eren was in the titan," Marco said softly.

Erwin turned around to face her, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I would say 'I could explain' as usual, but this time I had no idea," she stated.
"What do you mean?"

"It was weird. The information literally piled into my mind within a few seconds. There were only a couple things: that Eren was in that titan and he could get sick if he overused his power."

"Protection maybe? We still haven't been able to trigger it," Erwin suggested.

"Yes, but who was I trying to protect, and if I did trigger it, why would it give me that kind of information? Wouldn't I need some kind of physical power to protect someone?"

"To protect Eren, you would need to know that he was in that titan. You probably had enough strength to get him as you did, so there was no need for any more physical strength."

"So basically, protection is just giving me information about the situation. It's pretty useless."

"Ceitara, the timing was what made it useless. If you had known that months, days, or even hours before, it could've changed the outcome of the situation that we are in... Eren can turn into a titan. Do you know anything else about that?"

"Eren isn't the only one," Marco spoke again.

The mystery power: Projection. They had spent years trying to figure out how to make it work. Judging by its name, it was meant to protect. Ceitara only had interest in using it to protect other people, once she found out how it actually works, of course.

But, what were they even talking about? Ceitara was just a Captain in the Scouts. What's this talk about triggers and powers and protection? Could she turn into a titan too? Did hers have special abilities?

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