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"Ok, everyone, you know what to do for this scene! Action."

The four actors 'poofed' outside of Julie's studio, now beginning the scene they had moved til today due to Owen being sick. He still was sick, but the show must go on.

"Oh, dude, why'd you stop me? Julie needs a hug." Owen glared and Charlie, they'd filmed Julie's 'Wake Up' scene 2 days ago.

Charlie threw his arms out to the side."Bro, a ghost hug isn't the feel-good moment that you think it is." He popped his sleeveless jacket for emphasis, "All right? Trust me. What Julie needs right now is just a bit of privacy."

"You know what? I think you poofed us out because you can't handle when people cry." Owen explained the situation, his voice sounding like he was going to cry. "I should know! I cried in a room for 25 years, and I didn't get a single hug from either of you."

"I hugged you!" Elliot scoffed, her character was supposed to be offended.

Owen rolled his eyes, "Like once and then you made out with Luke off and on for the rest of the time."

Elliot smirked like her character was supposed to. She took a step closer to Charlie, taking his chin in her hands and pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

"What can I say? He's a great kisser."

Charlie smirked at 'his girlfriend' before kissing her temple and throwing his arm around her shoulders to bring her closer to him. Owen just rolled his eyes at the sight.

"All right, bring it in." Jeremy spoke, opening his arms up to Owen - Reggie was meant to be completely oblivious to Luke and Crystal (Elliot's character).

Owen threw his arms up in protest, "Don't touch me!"

"This is why no one hugs you." Jeremy mumbled.

"Ok... I-I think the first thing we should do, once we get the courage to go in there, is ask Julie... why she lied about playing the piano." Charlie changed the subject.

"Yeah, you know, maybe tell her how amazing she is." Elliot raised her eyebrows at 'her boyfriend'.

He nodded in response, Luke agreeing with Crystal's claim.

"She's legit. I got ghost bumps." Jeremy held out his arms.

On cue, Jadah walked by sniffling. All four actors went wide eyed.

"Oh my gosh. Was she crying too?" Owen gasped.

Charlie freaked out, "Yes! And the only thing scarier than one girl crying is two girls crying." His character didn't handle people crying very well.

"He's right." Elliot agreed. Being a girl herself, she knew.

Owen gestured toward the studio, "Guys, we definitely can't go in there."

Jeremy was the next to speak.

"But we can listen."

The boys all rushed to the studio door, peaking in the window to 'see' and 'listen' to what Jadah and Madison were talking about. Elliot shook her head, her character not liking their idea.

"That is so wrong!" Elliot scoffed as she walked up in between Owen and Charlie to look inside.

Charlie glanced at 'his girlfriend', "You're still doing it with us though..."

"I said it was wrong, I never said I wasn't going to listen too." Elliot spoke in a tone that was meant to portray that Charlie's character should've known her reasoning.

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