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"Honestly, i'm more jealous of all of the clothes you got than anything."

Elliot laughed at Caleigh's comment. The Maynard family had arrived to the Pryor's home only about an hour earlier. It was tradition for the two families to eat Christmas dinner together, similarly to Thanksgiving. Both families had spent Christmas morning opening presents at their own homes and enjoying family time.

"You literally got more than I did, from what I hear." Elliot reasoned with her friend.

Caleigh shrugged as the two sat down on the couch with Esme. "Yes, but your new clothes are super cute and I want them."

"You have a problem, Caleigh." Esme piped up.

Grace Pryor entered her living room, smiling widely at the 5 'kids' that sat around it. It was also tradition for them to stay in their pjs all day, so Grace enjoyed how comfy they all looked.

"You know what could make this better?" Elliot asked in general.

"Tell us, El." Jason, Caleigh's brother, spoke.

Elliot smiled at the boy, thankful that someone wanted to listen to her. "A hug from my boyfriend! I miss him." Now the girl was pouting.

The show playing on the tv distracted Elliot and Caleigh from noticing that their siblings went quiet and started staring at each other after Elliot's comment.

"I miss Charlie." Caleigh mumbled, dropping her head on Elliot's shoulder.

"Did anything ever happen between the two of you before he left?"

"Unfortunately, no."

Caleigh decided to not include the part where it seemed like Charlie was going to kiss her. The tension in that moment had been so high.

Lydia Maynard called the five into the dining room, informing them that dinner would be ready momentarily. They were all plenty hungry, so there were no complaints. Once in the room, they all began to take their seats for the meal that the parents had been slaving over all day.

"Was that the doorbell?" Esme questioned.

Everyone looked around to see if anyone else had heard the noise. Derek Maynard nodded as he entered the room with everyone.

"Caleigh, Elliot, if i'm correct... the doorbell was actually signaling one last present for the two of you." He smirked at the two girls.

As Elliot and Caleigh stared at each other in confusion, slowly getting out of their chairs, everyone else smiled in excitement at each other. The two girls made their way to the front door, their pajama clad bodies carrying them there rather quickly.

"Do you know what it is?" Caleigh questioned.

Elliot shook her head, unlocking the door and pulling it open.

Upon seeing what... or should they say who stood on the other side of the door, the two girls were speechless.

"Surprise?" two voices spoke at once.

Sure enough, Charlie Gillespie and Owen Joyner stood out on the front stoop. They both had huge smiles on their faces at the sight of the shock on Elliot and Caleigh's faces.

"Your wish came true, El!" Jason called out from the other room.

Everyone burst into a fit of laughter, aside from Caleigh and Elliot, at Jason's words. Charlie and Owen stepped inside and sat their bags down before closing the door behind them, the two girls still in shock. Neither could stop smiling as they pulled their respective girls into their arms for hugs.

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