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"Can you believe we only have like 3 weeks of filming left?" Elliot asked her boyfriend as they entered the rehearsal space.

Today they were rehearsing the Edge of Great performance. They needed to block the scene before actually filming it.

Owen shrugged, throwing his arm over his girlfriend's shoulders, "It's bittersweet, honestly. I'm gonna miss the filming process."

Elliot went to speak again but was cut off by the banter between Charlie and Madi who were seated at the piano. The young girl was once again criticizing the boy for his food choices. No one could blame her though, Charlie did like some strange food combinations.

"Boo!" the brunette jumped when someone squeezed her waist.

She turned around quickly to see her best friend from home, Caleigh, bursting into a fit of laughter. "Why do you scare so easily?" Caleigh asked as she attempted to catch her breath.

Elliot frowned at her friend, she hated being scared like that. "You're the worst."

Caleigh rolled her eyes before going to save Charlie from Madi's criticism. The two left the area where the piano was and escaped into the studio. Upon seeing this, Elliot looked over at her boyfriend, trying to see if he saw it too.

"What the..." Owen trailed off when Kenny began speaking to the crowd.

Kenny clapped his hands, "Alright, we're gonna block this scene and do a few run-thrus. Then, we'll break for lunch, and then come back to film."

Jeremy went off to find Charlie who reluctantly returned to set before the actors began doing as they were told. Elliot couldn't help but wonder what her best friend had taken Charlie off to do, but that was a conversation for another time.

Sure enough, just as Kenny said, after the blocking and run-thrus, it was time to break for lunch. So, the 5 actors — plus Caleigh — made their way over to craft services for whatever lunch had been catered that day. The group filled their plates rather quickly before joining Savannah, Tom, Jadah, Booboo, and Sacha at one of the tables.

"Are you guys almost done for the day?" Savannah asked as she shoved a spoonful of whatever she was eating into her mouth.

Elliot was the one to respond — seeing as she was the only one not with her mouth full, "Well, we still haven't filmed the scene yet. I feel like you should know that, Sav, you're in it." Everyone laughed at the actress.

"Oh, right." she laughed along with the others, she definitely had forgotten that she was in the scene.

Jadah spoke up this time, "Aren't we all?"

Booboo and Tom raised their hands, "We're not." They said together.

Caleigh giggled, "Me neither."

Everyone stared at the girl, letting out laughs as well. The girl liked to crack jokes fairly often which is one of the reasons as to why all of the actors loved her so much — some more than others.

"Hey, everyone! I want you to meet someone." the voice came from their assistant choreographer, Tori Caro. They all turned to look at her, a tall, tan boy walking next to her.

Upon seeing who it was, Elliot swallowed harshly.

"This is Matt, my boyfriend."

Suddenly, Elliot had no appetite. She slowly put her fork down on her plate, not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

While everyone greeted the boy, Elliot subtly turned toward Owen. "I'm gonna head to hair and makeup." She quietly spoke to him.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "You don't wanna stay to meet Tori's boyfriend?"

"I'm sure i'll meet him later."

She pecked his lips before standing up, gripping Caleigh's wrist and pulling her with her. Elliot was sure that they'd drawn some attention, but frankly, she didn't care at the moment. The girl needed to get out of there.

Thankfully, Elliot made it to the makeup trailer before losing it. Another bonus was the fact that it was entirely empty.

"What the hell, Cai!" Elliot screamed out.

She wasn't mad at her best friend, just in disbelief.

Caleigh nodded, holding her hand to her chest, "I'm in shock too. Are you ok?"

"Do I look like i'm ok?"

That was when the door to the trailer opened, both girls held their breath. Then Tom walked in and they let go.

"El..." he breathed out, slowly approaching the girl.

Elliot was shaking now, tears brimming in her eyes. "Tommy." Her voice was quiet.

The british boy wrapped his arms around Elliot's shoulders, bringing the girl in for a tight hug. She tucked her head into his neck, tears now falling as she attempted to hold back her tears.

"Oh, El." he mumbled, his hand holding the back of her head as she cried.

"Why is he here?"

𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁

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