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"Owen, we're 20 minutes late to the wrap party. They're gonna start without us!"

The blond boy chuckled at his girlfriend's frantic attitude. Elliot Pryor was one to never be late to anything. So, the fact that her boyfriend made it to where they were running late to the wrap party for the cast made the girl anxious.

"Relax, El." Owen spoke, rubbing Elliot's shoulders for a second before leading her into the building where the party was being held. "They won't dare start without us."

Elliot was clearly agitated at their tardiness as they walked through the building toward the room where Kenny had said the party would take place. She had urged Owen to leave multiple times over the past 45 minutes, but he wouldn't budge. To say she was frustrated with her boyfriend would be an understatement.

"Trust me, Babe."

The girl went to make a snide remark when Owen pushed open the door to where the party was. Elliot walked in first, expecting the party to be in full swing, but that wasn't quite what she got.


Instead of the room just being set up for a wrap party, it was decorating for a birthday party as well. There was a rather large cake set up on a table in the middle of the room - a cake that Elliot was sure that Caleigh had begged everyone to let her bake.

Elliot's hands covered her mouth in shock as she quickly turned around to face her boyfriend. Tears were in her eyes, no one had ever done something this nice for her before.

"Not so mad at me now are we?" Owen smirked at his girlfriend.

She shook her head, going up on her toes to link her arms around his neck. "You're amazing Owen Patrick Joyner." Elliot couldn't help but smile as she pressed her lips against Owen's.

After the two shared a moment, Owen began leading Elliot around the party. Everyone wanted to hug the girl and wish her a happy birthday. Elliot was beyond happy, she couldn't imagine a better birthday.

"Let me show you your cake!" Caleigh squealed, linking hands with Elliot as she pulled her across the room. Charlie and Owen followed shortly behind the two girls, neither able to stop smiling at how happy the best friends looked at the moment.

The two girls stopped in front of the table that held the cake. Upon reading what Caleigh had written on top of the cake, Elliot became increasingly confused.

"Why does it say 'Happy 19th Birthday Elliot and Esme'? She's not even in the same country as us right now." the birthday girl questioned as she turned to face her best friend.

Caleigh shrugged, giggling slightly at her best friend's confusion. Elliot had to fight her smile when she saw Charlie's arms around Caleigh's waist, his chin resting on her shoulder. She was still extremely confused as to why her twin's name was also on the cake and she wanted to get to the bottom of this.

"Why don't you turn around, El? You might like what you see." Charlie smiled brightly at the girl he considered to be one of his best friends.

Elliot slowly turned around, nervous to find out what or who was behind her. She had a guess of what the surprise could be, but she didn't want to get her hopes up.

For the second time that night, Elliot covered her mouth with her hands in shock. There, only about 10 feet away, stood Esme Pryor being walked in by Tom Holland - both with huge smiles stretching across their faces. Elliot, with a friendly push from Owen, ran toward her sister. Tom quickly stepped out of the way letting the two sisters meet in a hug - one that ended up knocking them both to the ground.

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