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Elliot furrowed her eyebrows when there was a knock at her and Tom's front door. The two were both getting ready to head to set for the day and weren't expecting anyone.

"Coming!" she called out.

She finished tying her hair up into a messy bun as she pulled the door open, a slight smile showing on her face when Elliot saw Owen standing there with a smile on his face.

"Hey." Elliot breathed out nervously, suddenly recalling her text conversation with the girls the previous day.

She needed to give him a chance.

The boy held out a bag and a cup of iced coffee, "I asked Tom what you like."

Owen really was a great guy.

But so was Charlie.

She took the food and drink from the blond boy, taking a long sip from the coffee. "Good thing Tom pays attention to what I like." Elliot looked in the bag that Owen had given her to see a muffin inside.

The girl looked up at the boy, there was only one type of muffin that Tom knew the girl absolutely loved. Had he told Owen what it was?

"Pumpkin chocolate chip."

Elliot squealed and lunged forward to hug the boy. "You're the best, O."

Owen stood there with his arms around Elliot's waist, just enjoying the feeling of having the girl in his arms. She smelt of lavender and vanilla.

The girl breathed in Owen's scent, wanting to take it in. He smelt of fig, bergamot, and sage. She liked the smell. A lot.

Charlie smelt like cinnamon and apple.

Elliot mentally cursed herself, "You're meant to be getting over Charlie, not falling for him more."

Owen stepped back from the hug, rubbing his palms on his joggers, "Want to ride to set together again?"

That was when Tom walked out of his bedroom, seeing the two standing in the doorway. A smile took over his face as he came closer to greet Owen.

"See you took my advice." he gestured toward the coffee and muffin before lazily resting his arm over Elliot's shoulders.

Owen's cheeks blushed red at Tom's comment. "That I did."

Elliot looked up at her british friend. "Mind if I take a rain check on the ride to work with you? Owen asked me to join him." She stared at Tom with hopeful eyes, hoping that he wouldn't be offended.

He shook his head, "Go for it, Bubs. You two have fun and i'll see you there... ya know, since we have to finish filming 'Other Side of Hollywood' today."

Tom pressed a kiss to Elliot's temple before walking back toward his bedroom. Elliot slid a pair of shoes on and grabbed her phone and keys, now following Owen back out the door.

"Off to set we go!" she pumped her fist in the air, earning a laugh from the blond.

Now it was Owen's turn to wrap his arm around Elliot's shoulders. The girl immediately hooking her free arm around his torso to keep them close.

The two climbed into Owen's car not too long later and began the short drive to set. They sat in silence for the majority of the drive, Elliot being too busy with her muffin and coffee to carry on a conversation.

"Hey, O?" She spoke up, right before Owen drove onto set.


Elliot turned to face the boy who's eyes were still on the road. "Why do you keep asking Tom about things that I like?" Owen's face heated up and Elliot couldn't help but smile at the sight.

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