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"You ready to go?"

Owen stood in front of the door to Elliot's apartment. The girl held a fuzzy blanket and a pillow in her arms, peering over the top of them at the blond boy. "I'm still confused as to what we're doing, but yeah i'm ready."

He shook his head at her, motioning for her to follow him. Elliot closed her apartment door and followed Owen out of the apartment building. Apparently, the boy had brought his car with him to Vancouver which made Elliot rather thankful seeing as she didn't want them to have to take Tom's.

Owen took the blanket and pillow from Elliot's arms and shoved them in the backseat along with his before opening the passenger door for her, "M'lady."

"Why thank you, kind sir." Elliot giggled as she climbed in the vehicle.

The boy got in the car himself and started it up before driving off. He had plugged his phone in to play music, some sort of chill vibes playlist coming through the speakers.

"So, what're we doing tonight, O?"

Owen glanced over at Elliot, a small smile taking over his face, "You'll see. But, there is a reason why we didn't leave until after sunset."

"You're gonna murder me!" Elliot exclaimed.

The boy burst into a fit of laughter, trying mot to swerve, "Elliot!" Owen tried to contain his laughter now, "How would me murdering you make up for me being an ass?"

"You tell me." the girl shrugged.

They carried on with their small talk until Owen parked in a parking lot that was adjacent to a lookout over Vancouver. Elliot unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the vehicle with Owen, the two grabbing their pillows and blankets from the backseat.

"A lookout?"

Owen nodded, "We're star gazing. It was one of my favorite things to do in Oklahoma and so when I found this spot here in Vancouver... it was like I had a little bit of home with me."

Elliot couldn't help but smile, she absolutely loved star gazing.

Elliot's father star gazed with her all the time when she was little, every friday night they'd go out into their front yard and lay down in the grass to watch the stars. It was a tradition she carried on almost every week even after she started landing different acting jobs - even Tom and Robert joined her at times.

"It's Friday." Elliot mumbled, a slight smile on her face.

Owen gave her a look as he laid out one of the 2 blankets he had brought with them, "Yes... it is Friday."

The girl chuckled, realizing that Owen had heard her moment of realization.

"My Dad and I always star gazed on Fridays." she explained, "I used to keep the tradition going even during filming my other projects, but just haven't had the time lately."

Owen smiled at his friend, "Well, i'd be happy to start up the tradition again with you."

"I'd like that."

The two teens placed their pillows on one end of the blanket before laying down, pulling their blankets on top of them as they laid side by side.

"So, did you and your dad sit there in silence, talk, or play music?" Owen questioned after a few minutes.

Elliot's eyes never left the sky full of stars above her, but she could definitely feel Owen staring at her to which she smiled at. "A mixture of talking and silence, really. But for some reason we only every whispered, as if our talking any louder would scare away the stars."

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