Chapter 1

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Hello, finally finished chapter 1.
Hope you enjoy it!❤️


The sounds of the birds chirping woke a teenager with crimson hair revealing two beautiful crimson eyes from his nightmare about his childhood.

"Ugh, that dream again," Riku muttered as he stretched his arms.


"Nanase-san it's time to get up, breakfast is ready,"


As Iori and Riku were walking towards the kitchen... Riku was looking down with a sad gaze thinking ' It was all my fault for not being good enough... If only I was never born in the first place,"

"Nanase-san, are you alright? You do look kinda pale today. Did you have an attack? Do you have fever? Headache?" Iori says worriedly as he realized how tired and pale Riku looked.

"Oh, I'm fine, I just had a nightmare that's all," He replies smiling assuring Iori that he was 'fine'.

"And also please stop calling me 'Nanase-san' because we all know that I'm younger than you, right?"

"Nope, I insist," Iori says

"Very well then," Riku sighs due to his stubbornness.

"Goodmorning everyone!"

"Goodmorning Riku/Riku-kun/Rikkun,"

"Lively as always I see," Sogo says followed by a chuckle

"Oni-san can't keep up with your liveliness," Yamato says and continues drinking beer.

"Oi Ossan, stop drinking beer and come into the kitchen to eat," Mitsuki said

"Eh, but I still want to drink," Yamato replied

"Just get your ass in here!"

"Ugh, fine... And stop calling me Ossan I'm not even old," Yamato complains

Mitsuki turns to Yamato "Did you say something, Ossan?"

"Ugh, I give up," he says massaging his temples.

"Thank you for the food," everyone chants

"Oh yeah, manager called me saying that we have full schedule today," Sogo says

"Eh~ but I wanted to eat Ousama Pudding all day," Tamaki says

"And I wanted to watch Magical Cocona as well," Nagi says

"No can do, and also eat faster cuz it's already 7 and practice with the others starts at 10," Mitsuki says as he points at the clock indicating that there is no more time for chit chat. "And I don't wanna face an angry manager later on," he mumbled.

Everyone stopped eating for awhile and shuddered as they imagined on what would happen if they would be late for a second time.
And continued to eat.

2 hours later~

A girl with blond hair who looked like around 18 years old was waiting for the 7 idols.

"Hmm... They should be here within two minutes or else we would be having a long talk about their behavior," Tsumugi says looking at watch to keep track of time.


"Good their on time,"

"Goodmorning manager," seven boys says as they were trying to catching their breath.

Tsumugi moves toward the door of the car, opens it and says "Get in, we have not much time to talk,"
Everyone nods and gets in the car.

Inside the car~

As they were waiting for their arrival to their practice destination//sorry dunno what it's called//

Riku was looking outside the window as if he was thinking of something deep. And Nagi who was beside him asked "Hey, are you okay? You've been looking outside the window for quite a long time now," in which the others turned their gazes to Riku looking at him with worry..."Oh! I'm sorry I was just thinking about something, no need to worry about me," Riku says while giving the best smile that he could show to assure them that he was 'alright'.

"Okay, but if you're not feeling alright then you can tell us anytime," Iori says thinking that something was definitely wrong with the redhead but shrugged it off thinking that it was just his imagination.

"After all we are friends," Tamaki continues as he was munching on his pudding.

Riku looks at them and says "Mou~! You guys are always treating me like a child. Please stop," pouting.

Everyone (except Riku) laughed at his expression, Riku then looked at his friends laughing and also joined them.

He stopped laughing and looked outside once again smiling sadly and thought to himself,

' Even if I have to fake all my smiles and laughter for them and the others to be happy then I'll do it. Even if it takes a long time,'

I'm not used making fanfics, so I'll try to update really fast when I have time.🙂 And also the dream that Riku had was the Prologue when your wondering. Regards on what happened to Riku's parents, it will be revealed on the following chapters.

Thank you for reading❤️

See you again next update!!!❤️

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