Chapter 16

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They all exclaimed in shock to see Riku unconscious and breathing heavily. They ran to him and Tenn exclaimed "Do you guys bring any extra inhalers with you?!" looking at the members of ID7 and holding Riku.

They all shake their head.

"Let me carry him," Touma says, Tenn was hesitant but agreed. Touma picks Riku up and says "We should hurry back," they nod and ran as fast as they can glancing at the redhead at the arms of Touma.

With the managers~

They were talking with each other and they were alarmed by the sound of people running towards them.

"Well, that was fast," Asenagi says

Ozaki says "Yeah, well let's prepare water for them,"

Tsumugi who was thinking that something was wrong, the idols came to early "Something must've happened,"

They stood up and saw the idols running and saw one of them holding Riku on their arms and Tenn exclaims "SOMEONE FIND RIKU'S INHALER!" Tsumugi rushed inside to look for the redheads inhaler.

"What happened?" Asenagi asked

Iori replies "It's a long story,"

Ozaki then interrupts "We should hurry back inside,"

They nod and rush inside the cottage.

Touma settles Riku down on the futon and Tsumugi hands Tenn the inhaler and helps his brother use it.

After a few minutes Riku's breathing calmed down and was now asleep. Tenn brushed his brothers bangs to the side and sighed in relief.

Haruka asked "Why did he suddenly run?" Tenn looked at them and saw their serious gazes demanding for an answer.

Tenn looked at his brother and back at the people looking at him. Gaku says who was impatient "Tell us,"

Mitsuki says "We deserve to know,"

Tenn then opens his mouth "Okay, fine,"

Yuki says "Now speak,"

Tenn sighs sadly and begins to tell them "Actually... Like what I have said to the others while we were cleaning, Riku didn't have enough attention from my parents, heck my parents really never cared about him. It felt like to them Riku never existed or he was never born. So all my love went to Riku. I agreed to be adopted by Kujo-san for Riku's sake. And when I heard my parents died, I felt extremely worried about Riku but he told me that my uncle decided to raise him. But I don't know why he is afraid of the dark,"

The others looked unsatisfied and Tamaki said "Guys, I have a confession to make..."

They looked at him and he continued "The time when I said that when I woke him up before and he looked tired was... A lie,"

Their eyes widen in shock and Iori asked "Why did you lie?"

Tamaki takes a deep breath and says "The time I was told to wake him up actually... I knocked on his door but I heard no reply and when I listened closely I heard him crying and saying 'Sorry' I opened the door to see Rikkun crying on his sleep. I shook him and he woke up and he looked at me in shock. He made me promise that I would never tell anyone about him crying, he told me to go down and he'll follow after at least 30 minutes. I went back down and told a lie... I'm sorry for hiding it,"

I'm Tired -- Idolish7Where stories live. Discover now