Chapter 8

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Riku was waiting for the manager to pick him up from the hospital while telling himself
"Don't think about it," as he can't stop thinking about what he dreamt of and he heard a knock on his door.


"Come in!"

The door opens and realizes it was Tsumugi and says,
"Are you all packed up?" and he nods.

"Alright, let's get going then," they leave the hospital.

Inside the car~

While driving back to the dorms Riku asked, "Do we have schedule for today?"
Tsumugi replies "None. And the vacation with the other groups would be the day after tomorrow, so you should prepare yourself,"

"I see," Riku replies and leans his head against the window and silence takes over the place.

When they arrived~

Riku gets off the van and walks going to the front door and once he opened it he was surprised by the liveliness. He saw Mitsuki scolding Nagi while Nagi was holding his figurines, Sogo scolding Tamaki about eating too much pudding, Yamato drinking beer followed by a scolding a Iori.

Riku sighs and greets everyone "I'm home!" with a cheery voice which got everyone's attention.

"Rikkun/Riku!" Nagi and Tamaki greets while running towards Riku and giving him a hug which made Riku chuckle.

"Welcome back, Riku/-kun/Nanase-san," the others also greeted.

Riku then suddenly remembers "Oh yeah, manager said ready your things for our little 'reward' we'll be going the day after tomorrow,"

"Oh I - WHAT?!" Yamato shouts in panic.

"Argh, I haven't even begun packing," Tamaki and Mitsuki says in unison while ruffling their hair.

"Then get packing," Iori says and facepalms. Riku just chuckles and goes to his room to pack.

Trigger dorms~

Meanwhile the duo are fighting once again and the third wheel was trying to calm them down.


Tenn was drinking his usual drink every morning and Ryuu was watching TV at the leaving room. Gaku arrived at the kitchen prepared himself coffee to drink and took a seat.

"'morning," Gaku greets

"Goodmorning/'morning," the other two replies and when Gaku finished his coffee and Tenn also got up holding his drink they suddenly bump each other which made Tenn's drink spill on him.

"Are you blind?!" Tenn exclaimed pissed

"Oh my bad," Gaku replies

"Look at what you did!" Tenn says


"You're old and now you're blind!"

"I said sorry didn't I?!"

Ryuu comes into the kitchen and asks "What happened?"

"Gaku's fault,"


Flashback End

They continue arguing and someone knocked.


They stopped their argument and Ryuu called "Come in," the door opens and Asenagi enters.

"So did you pack all your stuff for the trip?" he asks

Gaku asked confused "What trip?"

Tenn looks at him flatly and says "For the 'reward' we're gonna have with the others. Are you that old to forget?"

"What did you just say, dwarf?!" Gaku replies pissed

"Calm down," Ryuu says

And Asenagi claps to catch their attention and the trio looked at him

"So, did you pack?" he asks

"Oh, not yet," Gaku replies

"Then go pack," after that said the trio went to pack for the trip.

Riku POV~

After I finished packing for the trip, I went to the living room. And the manager came in.

"Alright, as you all know for today and tomorrow you don't have schedule and the minors are on break from school,"

Iori then asks "When can we attend school?"

Tsumugi replies "That would be when we return from vacation,"

"I see," he replies "I'll be taking my leave now then," Tsumugi says and leaves.

They were all seated at the leaving room and Tamaki said in boredom
"I'm bored,"

"Me too," Riku says

Sogo then had an idea "Then let's go to the park to have fun," Tamaki and Riku's eyes sparkled upon hearing that. Mitsuki and Yamato sighs and says "Well, it's not like we have anything else to do,"

"I guess we can enjoy ourselves," Iori says with a smile.

Yamato says "Then go get changed and get going,"

"Alright!" Riku and Tamaki says excitedly.

At the park~

"Wow!" Tamaki and Riku said looking excited.

"Let's go to the roller coaster! It looks fun," Nagi said running towards the roller coaster.

"Hey Rokuya-san, wait for us!" Iori said while the others try to catch up with Nagi.

And after the ride Tamaki and Yamato puked while Mitsuki and Sogo were rubbing their backs.

"Are you guys okay?" Riku asks concerned. Sogo looks at him and smiles
"Their fine, their just dizzy,"

After they puked, Riku said excited "Let's go to the bump cars next!"

Tamaki and Nagi replies "Good idea," the trio run towards where the bump cars were located and the others follow from behind.

After that, they decide to get something to drink. Iori and Sogo returns with water and while they were drinking they continue going on rides till night.

Time skip~ Arrived at the dorms~

When they arrived everyone sat on the chair tired.
"What do we do tomorrow?" Riku asked.
"Watch Magica-" even before Nagi finished his sentence everyone exclaimed
"Rejected!" Nagi pouts and Tamaki also said "Eat puddi-" and again even before he could finish his sentence everyone exclaimed "Rejected!" and pouts.

Iori says "Let's just see by tomorrow, we should be getting to bed already since we're all tired," everyone stood up and go to their rooms to sleep.


Thanks for reading!🙂

I'm Tired -- Idolish7Where stories live. Discover now