Chapter 13

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Time Skip~

They finished eating dinner and cleaned up the area.

While they were at the living room talking with each other, Momo was bored so he said "Guys, let's play a game,"

The others look at him and Iori asks "Why?"

Momo replies "Because it's boring!"

Tenn sighs and replies "Fine,"

"Yay!" Momo exclaims happily.

Haruka asks "Then what are we going to play?"

Momo began to think and had an idea "Osama game!"

Riku exclaimed excitedly "Really?!"

Yuki replies "Yes, let's play that,"

Tamaki who was curious asked "Why are you so excited about that game?"

"Well, that's because, I've never played the game before," Riku replies scratching his cheek.

"Then let's get playing," Gaku says.

Momo says holding the chopsticks "Okay, now pick one,"

The others began to pick a number and after everyone picked.

Momo asks "So who's king?"

Yamato raises his hand. "Me,"

"Okay, so your orders?" Yuki asks.

Yamato began to think and finally thought of one "hmm... Number 4 should let Number 10 lay down on his lap,"

Touma asks "Who's numbers 4 and 10?"

Gaku raises his hand showing the number and says "I'm number 10,"

"I'm number 4," everyone looked at the person who said that and it was none other than Riku. And that made Gaku's heart drop all the way to the core of the earth. While the others just thought ' Goodbye Gaku,'

Riku said excitedly while patting his lap "Hurry Yaotome-san, I've never played before and I'm excited," Gaku gulped and did what he was told. Tenn released a deadly aura glaring at Gaku and suddenly Riku began stroking the older man's hair and said with a smile "This game is fun!"

That phrase  and action made the others think 'Nice knowing you,' and made Tenn even more intimidating.

And after a minute Gaku sat up and Tenn walked to Gaku with a deadly aura and cracking his knuckles. Knowing what would happen next Sogo and Torao who were beside the redhead covered his eyes and ears. And the others watched in horror.

After that they let go of their hold and Riku asked out of curiosity "What happened?"

"NOTHING!" everyone exclaimed except Tenn.

"Continue the game," Tenn says and continues the game.

"So, who's king?" Haruka asked.

Nagi exclaimed happily "Me desu!"

Minami said knowing what would happen "Of all people, why him?"

Yuki asks "Your orders?"

"Hmm..." Nagi thinks and continues "Oh, I know! I want number 6 and 8 to act as a victim and I want number 5 to act as a thief!"

That made everyone silent and Yamato breaks it "So, who are those people?"

Tenn and Iori raise their hand and says in unison "I'm number 6/8," the duo looked at each other and lighting can be seen between them.

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