Chapter 11

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At their destination~

Everyone got of the vehicle, stretched their arms and inhale the fresh air.

"We're finally here!" Mitsuki exclaimed raising his hands. Nagi on the other hand said "Oh my goodness! I'm being cooked alive!" Gaku sighs and says "Well that's because you come from a cold area," that being said everyone laughed.

The managers arrived and Asenagi said "Alright let's go,"

"Hai!" they said in response.

As they were walking through the forest, Iori suddenly tripped into a rock.

"Ouch," Iori said as his knees were scraped and Tsumugi sighs "Guys let's rest for a minute and someone hand me the bandages," Ozaki hands her the first aid kit and covers up the wound.

After they treat his knees Tenn asked "Are we ready to go now?" Iori stands and nods. They continue on with walking 'til they reached the area.

After a while~

Everyone were amazed with the view "Wow! It's so cool!" Tamaki exclaimed and after enjoying the view, Ozaki said "Alright get inside the cottage and fix all your stuff and we meet here,"

After fixing their belongings they return and Haruka asked "What do we do now?"

Asenagi replies "Others have to go fishing, some will cook, some will clean the cottage as it is very dusty and the rest go scavenge for fruits for us to eat,"

"Hai!" the idols said and go do their jobs.

Fishing group~Riku,Iori,Touma,Gaku~

As they were waiting for the fish to take the bait Touma complained "Argh, why can't the fish just take the bait already!" Gaku sighs "You have to be patient," and suddenly hear Riku say "Yes! I got one!" the others look at him in shock and exclaim "THAT FAST?!" Riku replies "I guess,"

And after a while Touma exclaims "Finally, got one!" and puts it in the bucket. Iori who was getting annoyed suddenly caught on "At long last!" Gaku who was annoyed exclaimed "Why can't I get any?!" after that statement a fish finally caught the bait "YESSSS!" he exclaimed.

While they were sitting a fish took Riku's bait but when Riku tried to pull the rod, he couldn't because the fish was pulling him into water.

"Guys, I need help!" aware of what he said Iori hurried to help the redhead and finally was able to catch the fish.

"That was close," Gaku and Touma said in relief.

The cooking group😂~ Sogo,Ryuu,Yuki,Minami~

The four were cutting the ingredients and Yuki began to ask "So, how does it feel being with your groups?" after asking that question the trio looked at each other and Minami replied "Hmm... Stressful if you ask me due to the fact that Touma and Haruka always argue and Torao doesn't do anything about it," Yuki laughs at the response.

Ryuu also answers "It feels like I'm taking care of children because, Gaku and Tenn seem to love arguing all the time," and sighed Minami mumbled "At least you do something about it unlike Torao,"

Yuki laughed, looked at Sogo and asked "What about you?" Sogo then replies with a gloomy aura "It's not that bad, I guess... Tamaki-kun never listens to me, Yamato-kun always drinks beer and never listens to Mitsuki-kun and Iori-kun who scolds Riku-kun over small things," and tightens his grip on the knife which made the others sweat drop and laugh nervously. Sogo asked "What about you?" Yuki clears his throat and replies "Momo being Momo always cheerful,"

"I see," the trio said and continue cutting the ingredients while talking with each other.

The cleaning group~Momo,Tenn,Haruka,Mitsuki~

The four were busy cleaning inside and outside the cottage and Momo said breaking the silence "I was just thinking," and the others look at him for a moment and continued cleaning Haruka asked "Thinking about what?"

Momo continues "About your childhood of course," Tenn raised an eyebrow and asked "And why do you want to know about that?" Momo answered "Because I want to know you more of course,"

Mitsuki the replies "And why do you suddenly want to know us more?"

Momo pouts and replies "Because we're friends!" the trio sigh and Mitsuki starts "Let me be the one to start then," (A/N: I don't really know much about their childhood days so yeah, you know what I'll do.)

Tenn said "But don't forget to clean," Haruka said "Hai~hai~"

Mitsuki then tells his story "We weren't a rich family but not poor so in other words we were average and my parents owned a bakery for me and Iori to live a normal life. And as we grew up Iori slowly became independent. Back then Iori would always come to me and ask for hugs, run to me when he cries and read him a story before he sleeps, and I on the other hand am still the same as usual. That's all," Momo said "Of course you changed, you became even more caring not only to Iori but also to us, so don't be to hard on yourself," giving him a pat on the shoulder Mitsuki thanks him. Momo then looks at Haruka "You're turn," Haruka thinks for a while and speaks "Do I have to?" Tenn replies "If Momo-san told you to, then do it," Haruka then begins to open his mouth....


And again I don't really know about their childhood so I will be writing it based on my imagination.


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