Chapter 9

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The next day~

Everyone finished eating their breakfast and while they were doing their usual stuff the doorbell rang.

ding dong*

Sogo stands and says "Coming!" Sogo opened the door and gets surprised by the sudden visitor.

"Hallo!" Momo said

"Eh?!" Sogo exclaimed shocked and they go to the living room.

Living room~

The other members were doing their usual stuff like drinking beer, watching anime and using their phones and suddenly they heard someone greet them.

"Goodmorning my dear kouhais," Momo says and Yuki says "Sorry for the intrusion,"

"Hi Yukirin and Momorin," Tamaki greets while eating his pudding.

Riku greets "Hello!"

"So what brings you here?" Yamato says with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, we got bored and decided to come here," Momo says scratching his head.

While they were talking the doorbell rang again.

ding dong*

Mitsuki stands up and says "Be right there!" he runs to the door and opens it getting surprised by the visitors.

"Zool and Trigger?!"

"Goodmorning/'Morning/Sup," they all greeted.

Mitsuki then said "Ah,come in,"

They all go to the living room. And once they arrived they greeted again "Goodmorning everyone,"

Riku turned, saw his brother and ran to him "Tenn-nii!" giving him a hug and Tenn smiles, patting his brothers head.

"Wow! It's so crowded!" Nagi said with mixed English words. Yamato asked "So what brings you here?"

Minami replies "We just got bored,"

While they were talking to each other Mitsuki and Sogo realized that they have to prepare for lunch.

"We'll be going to the kitchen to prepare food, you guys wait,"

Ryuu then says "Let me help," the trio then leaves the living room to prepare for lunch.

Riku then said "You know, Tenn-nii," and continues "Yamato-san gave me a present last week for who knows why," Yamato gulped and Tenn's eyes narrowed waiting for his brother to continue.

"He gave me a magazine but haven't read it yet cuz I lost it," Riku says looking down and suddenly Tamaki enters the living room waving a magazine happily and says "Hey Rikkun! Look what I've found,"

"What did you find, Tamaki?" Riku asks. Tamaki showed a magazine that looked familiar to the redhead and he said "Hey, that's the book that Yamato-san gave me!"

"Where did you find it?" he asks. Tamaki replies "Oh, I found it at my bookshelf," Riku asks "But why would it be even there?" Tamaki shrugs and opens it but when he opened it his face went red and closed it.

Riku said "Let me read ," Tamaki disagreed "No!" Riku pouts and says "GIVE ME!" trying to reach for the magazine from Tamaki "I said no!"

While Riku was taking the magazine from Tamaki who was keeping it away from him. The magazine gets taken away by Tenn and opens it the others inside the room looked at Yamato with pity knowing what will happen next ' See you next life,'

Tenn closes the magazine turns to Yamato and goes near him cracking his knuckles and giving off a deadly aura and suddenly sees Riku looking at him with confusion, "Hmm?" Riku says tilting his head. He then turns to the others giving them a sign they understood.

"Nanase-san, come here," Iori ordered Riku frowns and asks "Why?" Touma says "Just get here!" Riku then just followed what he was told.

Iori covered Riku's ears while Nagi covers the redheads eyes. Meanwhile Tamaki was covering his eyes, Momo was hugging Yuki's arm, Haruka and Torao watched in horror and the others looked away from the scene.

After Tenn punished Yamato, the duo covering Riku's ears and eyes removed their hands and Yamato was beyond petrified, Tamaki wanted to cry, the others were processing what just happened and Tenn goes to his brother and smiled like nothing happened.

Riku then asked confused by their expressions "What happened?" Touma answered "You don't want to know," after a while Mitsuki calls them for lunch, they all go to the kitchen.

Time Skip~

After eating, they decided to talk about their trip for tomorrow.

"So tomorrow, we'll be leaving 7 in the morning," Yuki says and Tamaki complains "But that's to early!"

Iori sighs and says "The trip is going to take 2 and a half hours,"

"And besides you can sleep during the trip," Haruka says.

They continued talking about their trip.

After the meeting~

Yuki and Momo stands and says "Well we gotta go, our manager is looking for us," and they leave. An hour after ReVale left Zool also leaves as their manager was also looking for them.

The others continue talking to each other happily and the phone of Gaku rings "I'll answer it," he stands and answers the call and after a few minutes he comes back and says "Guys, manager is looking for us. We have to go," the other two stands up and Tenn says "See you tomorrow,"

"Bye guys," Riku says waving his hand and when they left Mitsuki said
"Well, that was unexpected,"

"Yeah, I was pretty surprised myself," Sogo said. Iori's phone began ringing "Excuse me," he leaves and answers the call. While they were waiting for his return the others were busy doing their own stuff. Iori returns and Mitsuki asks "Who called?" Iori answers "The president just wanted to make sure that we finished packing our stuff,"

Mitsuki replied "I see,"

Tamaki yelled in excitement "I'm so excited!" Riku says in agreement "Me too!"

Hope you liked it.🙂

I'm Tired -- Idolish7Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora