Chapter 2

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"Aria. Aria Rigby." She rolled her eyes.

"Nice to meet you. Sorry for the circumstances." Bobby smiled at her.

"Just let me study in peace. That's all I care about." She shrugged.

"Make sure she gets to and from school on time each day, Tig. She's your charge until we get Evan to contact us." Jax informed the SAA.

"Let's go find you a room." Tig nodded towards himself, "Sorry for the décor. It's usually men who stay in these rooms."

"It's ok. I don't offend easily." She replied as he opened up a door and let her walk in, "Wow. I was expecting...different accommodations."

"Not to your liking?" Tig questioned.

"This is better than what I was expecting." She chuckled, "Thanks."

"Stay in here, ok? I'll bring you some dinner later. You have an attached bath so you can shower in peace." Tig explained.


Tig left the girl alone and rejoined his brothers. They'd left a note at the house before they left. All they thought they could do was wait for him to get ahold of them. Opie wasn't sure they could trust either or that she wouldn't contact him without their knowledge and warn him they were looking for him. Jax sent Tig to go speak with the girl. The SAA went to her room and opened up the door without even knocking. She was pacing the room with her phone to her ear.

"Listen here you little shithead! You get ahold of me the first second you can! I'm tired of being leverage against you! Call my cell or drop by the house. There's a number on the kitchen table for you to call. I fucking mean it!" She exclaimed before shutting her phone close.

He watched as she threw her phone onto the bed and sighed. "Dickhead always getting me into shit because of his stupid ass! Now I'm stuck with these weird ass bikers! What the fuck is next?" Tig leaned against the door and just listened to her rant to herself. His laughter made her whip around and stare at him.

"How long have you been there?" She crossed her arms across her chest.

"Long enough to know you left him a message. Warning him we're looking for him?" Tig raised an eyebrow.

"No. I just want him to get ahold of me so you guys can work out whatever shit is between you so I can get back to my life quickly." She hissed.

"I can't really trust you, you know." Tig retorted making her roll her eyes.

"And how can I trust that I won't be killed once I've served my purpose?" She countered.

"We don't hurt women and children." Tig countered making her huff at him.

"Sorry if I don't believe you." She stated, "Trust is earned, mate."

"Then I guess we'll have to learn to trust each other." Tig said.

"We'll see how that goes." She retorted making him smirk at her as she eyed him up.

"See something you like?" Tig questioned.

"Eh." She shrugged making him laugh.

"Remember to stay in here. I'll bring you dinner later." He told her.

"You told me that already. I've got studying to do." She told him.

"Then I'll let you get to it." He stated before leaving her alone once more.

She let out the breath she didn't know she'd been holding. Tig walked back to the main room of the clubhouse and explained to Jax that she'd left a message for her cousin to call her or go by their house to call the number that head been left. Happy growled that they couldn't trust the girl and they should confiscate her phone. Jax shook his head, "She dislikes him too much to warn him." Jax thought out loud earning a head nod from Tig.

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