Chapter 15

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Tig locked the house up as she walked upstairs to their bedroom. He wasn't a fool, he could tell Gemma didn't like his wife. He just didn't know why. With a sigh, he hoped that if they got to spend some time together, Gemma would come to accept and like his bride. She'd already slipped into her pj's by the time he made it to their bedroom. As she was getting settled in bed, he was stripping down to his boxers.

She made them breakfast the following morning as he was getting a shower. Tig wasn't sure what the day was going to bring. Would Gemma say something to him about Aria? Would his brothers say something else about them getting married? Would the club have any issues with any of their contacts? She was setting two plates at the dining table when he entered, freshly showered and ready for the day. He kissed her cheek as he passed her to pour himself a cup of coffee.


Nine months had passed relatively quietly. She was finishing her residency and was hoping the hospital would hire her. During her time there, she had become friends with the other nurses and some of the doctors that already worked there. She liked the people she was "working" with and liked the hospital itself. She was thankful she hadn't been called to patch up bikers in a long while. Her last day at the hospital, she was told the hospital admin would call her if they decided to hire her as a full-time nurse.

Instead of heading straight home, she headed to the clubhouse to visit her husband. He still hadn't inked her although it was weighing heavily on his mind. She parked and climbed out of her truck. Tig looked up from the car he was working on and smiled. She made her way to where he was working as he wiped his hands on a grease rag. He pulled her into his arms for a passionate kiss when she got close enough.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" He asked when they pulled away.

"I finished my residency today. They told me they'd call me if they decided to hire me." She shrugged.

"They will. You're a great nurse, babe." Tig told her as Chibs walked over.

"Good t' see ya, lass!" The Scotsman smiled at her.

"Hi Chibs. Nice to see you, too." She smiled warmly at him.

"Do you know how long it might be before they call?" Tig asked.

"No but I'm hoping it'll be soon. I hate not having anything to do." She stated.

"What's goin' on?" Chibs questioned.

"I finished my residency today. They told me they'd call if they decided to hire me on full-time. Now I have nothing to do as I wait." She explained.

"Aye. Ye'll get 'ired on. Yer a good nurse." Chibs told her.

"I hope so. I hate not having anything to do with my time." She chuckled as Gemma came out of her office and noticed the red truck in the lot.

Jax came out of the clubhouse and noticed Aria was there chatting with Tig and Chibs. He walked over to see what was going on. Tig's wife didn't usually show up to the clubhouse on her own. Tig explained why she was there earning a congratulations from the blond biker. Gemma walked into the clubhouse, avoiding the small group. She figured she'd find out why Aria was there from Jax a little later. The group chatted for a while before Aria decided to go home. Tig, once again, pulled her in for a passionate kiss before she left making Chibs smile at the love-struck pair.

She bid everyone goodbye before walking back to her truck. Tig and Chibs got back to work while Jax walked back into the clubhouse. Immediately Gemma wanted to know why Aria had come by. Jax laughed and explained to his mother why she had come by. The Queen wasn't too pleased with her just coming by to disrupt her employees. Jax told her that she didn't stay very long and everyone had gone back to work after she left. Gemma huffed before walking back to her office.

Aria made it home and plopped down on her couch. She hated not having anything to do. Although she was good at waiting, she was still worried about getting hired at St Thomas. She stretched out on the couch, turned on the TV, and settled down to take a nap. When she awoke, it was close to time to make dinner. With a sigh, she headed into the kitchen to start dinner preparations. Tig finally clocked out for the day and was walking towards his bike to head home. Crow eaters were showing up already but he wasn't interested. Gemma watched as he shrugged out of every crow eater who tried to catch his attention.

Several days passed before Aria got the call she'd been hoping for. They liked her work while she was doing her residency and wanted her to come in for an official interview. She took a quick shower, curled her hair, and did a black and gray smokey eyeshadow. She headed into her closet to pick out an outfit. She wanted to be professional even though she was sure she'd get the job. Before she left the house, she looked herself over in the mirror to make sure she looked good enough.

 Before she left the house, she looked herself over in the mirror to make sure she looked good enough

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Her interview went well, she thought, as she sat there talking with her interviewer. After more than an hour, her interviewer sat back in her chair with a smile. She looked over her residency paperwork and her school transcripts before looking up with a smile. "You have everything we're looking for. Welcome to St Thomas." she stated. Aria smiled and thanked her for the opportunity. They shook hands before her interviewer handed her a new hire packet. She would be starting the following week at sixteen dollars and fifty cents per hour.

They shook hands once more before Aria stood up, took her new hire packet, and left the office. She was excited to finally have her dream job. Things were going great! She made her way back home in an exceptionally good mood. Sitting down on her couch, she began looking through her new hire packet. Hospital regulations, insurance options, a direct deposit form. She filled out all the papers she needed to before putting all the papers back in her packet.

Spaghetti sounded good to her that night. As she was in the middle of making dinner, Tig arrived home. Unlike her, he was in a rather foul mood. She didn't know why and didn't really want to ask. He kissed her cheek before heading to their bathroom to get a quick shower. Having showered, he slipped into his pj bottoms and walked back into the kitchen. He asked how her day was making her smile. She explained about her interview and that she'd been officially hired. Tig walked up behind her, as she was standing at the stove, and slipped his arms around her waist.

She giggled as he congratulated her before leaning his chin on her shoulder. "I start at the beginning of next week." she told him earning a head nod. He kissed her neck before grabbing himself a beer then heading into the living room to relax a little while she finished up with their dinner. As the sauce was simmering, she set the table then put in the garlic bread to bake. The noodles were done, the sauce was nearly done, and the bread wouldn't take too long to bake to perfection.

Once everything was ready, she moved things to the dining table then called him to dinner. The pair sat down where she looked over at him. She could tell he was in a rather foul mood so she asked him about it. He simply told her it was work related earning a head nod in response. Gemma had decided she wanted to throw another family dinner so Tig thought he'd bring Aria with him. Gemma's face told him she wasn't thrilled with that idea so he confronted her about it. They got into an argument and he finally told the Queen that if his wife wasn't welcome at her family dinner then he wouldn't show up either.

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