Chapter 6

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Two more days passed. She cooked every meal for them. Did a little household cleaning. Did some laundry. She mostly sat around studying while they watched TV. She and Tig spent some adult time together after everyone went to bed. After the first night, he just started sleeping in her room with her. He got dressed in his room each morning. She was getting nervous her cousin wasn't going to show up. Then her cell rang. She looked around before picking up her phone.

"Hey cuz! Guess where I am?" He laughed.

"Unless the next words out of your mouth are 'about to be in the driveway' you better start planning your funeral because I'm going to kill you!" She hissed as everyone moved to listen to their conversation.

"Put it on speaker, Doll." Tig whispered to her.

"Me and the boys took a road trip. We're in Vegas and having the time of our lives! I was on a hot streak and won like fifty grand!" Evan told her.

"You get your ass back here and give the people whose guns you stole their money. Maybe they won't kill either of us." She demanded.

"Awww, but we're having such a good time, Aria! I can fly you out and give you some funds to play with too! It'll be great." Evan laughed.

"How fucking high are you right now, you brain dead asshole? I can't go anywhere or do anything because I'm being held hostage because of you!" She exclaimed, "Now get your ass back here and fix this shit!"

"I might be flying on some coke right now. Got me a sweet honey to spend some time with. The boys are having a good time. Why you gotta be a buzzkill?" He asked.

"Because I'm the only one in this relationship who has a working brain." She yelled, "You stole guns from an outlaw biker gang, Evan! What part of that don't you get! You could get me killed! Then who will you mooch off of?"

"Oh, they won't do anything to you. No one ever harms you." He laughed, "Bake them something and they'll be fine. Oh, I'm not sure when I'll be back. Can you leave the door unlocked for me?"

"What? Why? Use your key." She rolled her eyes.

"I lost my key." He explained.

"You are a piece of shit, you know that!" She hissed at him making Tig rest his hand on her shoulder, "When are you coming back?"

"I don't know. Whenever we feel like it!" He laughed again.

"We've got a charter in Vegas, we'll have them pick him up." Tig whispered in her ear.

"You know what, stay out in Vegas as long as you want. Where are you staying at?" She asked, "In case I need to get ahold of you."

"The Bellagio." He retorted, "Oh, my sweet honey wants to go gambling again. See you, cuz."

"Yeh did goo', lass." Chibs stated.

"I need to go to the hardware store and pick up a new door handle." She stated.

"Happy, ride with her." Jax stated.

"Let's go." The gravelly voiceexclaimed as she grabbed her keys.

She grabbed her truck keys and walked out to her truck with the tall, bald-headed, unhappy looking biker following close behind. Not a word was spoken as she drove them to the hardware store. He stayed right on her as she walked to the section she needed when they arrived. It didn't take her long to browse through the various door handles. Happy wasn't thrilled with babysitting duty but also didn't trust her even though she seemed to be trying to help them find her cousin. She picked up the one she wanted and headed to the cash register.

"Hey Aria! It's good to see you." The older man behind the counter stated, "Who's your escort?"

"Just a friend. He's helping do some stuff around the house. I need to change my front door handle today and didn't think to buy one when I was out the other day. He came along to help me figure out which one I needed." She chuckled as she slid her debit card through the machine.

"Look out for this one. She's a kind, generous soul." The old man looked over at Happy as he handed her bag to her.

"Take care of yourself, Herbert." She smiled at him before turning and heading out the door to her truck.

She started the truck up and was about to back out when she noticed him staring at her.

"What?" She asked.

"Why did you lie to him?" He asked.

"Despite what you think of me, I'm utterly sick of the bullshit my cousin gets me into because he's a braindead idiot. As I stated the other day, this isn't my first time being held hostage because of him. I just want to go to school, become a nurse, and live in peace.

If I have to lie to a few people about who you guys are and what you're doing here, then so be it. At least you've treated me better than some of my other captors." She explained before making her way back to her home.

"I see." He simply repliedas he stared out the window as she drove along.

They remained quiet the rest of the way home. She knew this one still didn't trust her and if they voted on keeping her alive or killing her he'd most likely vote for death. She didn't want to die but figured it was most likely in her future despite what Tig kept reassuring her. She pulled in, took her bag, and headed to the front door. Happy quickly followed. She dropped her keys by the front door then headed into the garage to get the tools she needed to change out the door handle.

"You've done this before?" Jax inquired.

"That moron always seems to lose my house keys. So I change my door handle just in case." She shrugged as she walked over to the front door to get on changing it out.

Jax asked how things had gone and Happy told him everything. Including how she'd lied to the store owner about who he was. Jax looked over at her who was too busy changing her door handle to notice them looking at her. Tig was staring at her perfect little ass with a smirk thinking of their encounters together. Jax told everyone to just relax until their other charter had him in custody. The blond had taken a photo of one of her photos of her and him that was fairly recent and sent it to their Las Vegas charter and asked for their help in finding him.

He explained the situation and said they'd meet somewhere to make the transfer. The Vegas Prez was more than happy to help out the mother charter. Jax gave all the information they had including that he was staying at the Bellagio hotel and had some "sweet honey" with him as company and a few friends. The Vegas Prez said he'd get ahold of him the minute they had the guy in their custody. Aria almost felt bad knowing what was coming but then remembered all the shit he brought to her because of his extremely bad decision making and she no longer felt remorse for his fate.

"When do you have to go to class again?" Jax asked.

"Tomorrow." She retorted asshe bagged up her old door handle and took it to the kitchen to throw away.

A/N: Please review and vote below!

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