Chapter 11

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Chibs and Juice got Evan thrown into the van. Tig grabbed Aria's arm and led her back to his bike. Now that they had Evan, she wasn't sure what was going to happen to her. Tig kept telling her he wanted to spend time with her. Would he let his friends kill her now? She was sure the unhappy one would still be advocating for her death. Which one would win? She clung to Tig as they made their way back to Charming.

Jax had been given all Evan's belongings, including all the cash he had on hand when he was apprehended. He only had about ten grand left out of all he'd gotten or won. Jax wasn't happy about it but figured they wouldn't get near what he owed them. The whole ride to wherever they were going, Evan was in the back of the van trying to get himself loose. If he could just talk to his cousin again, he thought he could persuade her to talk to the bikers for him.

They finally came to a stop. Aria slid off Tig's bike. She didn't want to watch her cousin being killed and thought she'd just stand by Tig's bike while the deed was done. Chibs and Juice opened the back door to the van to get their captor out. Jax told the IO to ungag Evan so he and Aria could have one last talk before they dealt with him.

"Aria, talk some sense into these guys! A little theft is no reason for murder!" Evan exclaimed.

"You stole sixty grand in stuff from them and sold it for twenty. I'd be pretty pissed too, you brain-dead idiot!" She crossed her arms over her chest, "You never learn, Evan. I'm not bailing you out of this predicament this time."

"We're family, cuz! You can't just let them kill me!" Evan shouted.

"I'm their hostage, you idiot! I have no say in what they do. And even if I had some sort of sway, why should I try and convince them to not kill you? You won't learn anything. All you'll do is go out and do something even stupider next time." She stated.

"You're really going to turn your back on family, Aria? Your parents would be so disappointed in you!" Evan exclaimed.

"Not nearly as disappointed as your parents are in you, jackass! At least I'm not a thief." She turned her head away from him.

"Oh, that's low, bitch!" Evan shouted making Tig growl.

"Down to calling me names like a little child, huh? I gave you a home when no one, and I mean NO ONE, in our family even trusted you enough to let you spend the night with them. I made sure you had a roof over your head and food in your belly. Whenever you needed something, I made sure you had it.

How do you repay me? By doing dumb shit that gets me taken hostage by the mob, by outlaw biker gangs, and all sorts of other nefarious groups. I've been beaten, scarred, and sexually assaulted because of you. Why the hell would I want to help you now just so that can all happen to me again?" She hissed, eyes burning with tears.

"You help your family! Surely you can put the house up for sale! It shouldn't be too hard to find another place!" Evan offered.

"That house is my home, I'm not giving it up for you. As I keep reiterating, you'll never learn the lesson, Evan." She shook her head.

"Evan Douglas, you've stolen from the Sons of Anarchy and can't give us our merchandise back or pay us what you owe us." Jax intervened.

"Look guys, we can work this out somehow!" Evan stated as he eyed up Happy and Tig who were moving closer to him.

"No identifying marks left, Happy." Jax stated making Evan's eyes go wide.

"They're going to kill me, Aria! My blood is on your hands!" Evan shouted.

"You got yourself into this mess, not me!" She shouted back, fighting tears again.

Juice knew they would be burying Evan's body out in the woods. Happy would be removing everything that was needed to identify him. No one would ever find his body once Tig and Happy were done. She turned away not wanting to watch. Seeing Aria starting to shake, Chibs moved closer to her. Chibs held her close to him, "Yeh 'ave a big 'eart, lass. It's ok t' feel bad about what's 'appening."

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