Chapter 9

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Once dinner was done, she brought it all to the table then set the table before calling all the bikers to dinner. Tig gave her a smile as he sat down. Jax sniffed the air and told her how amazing everything smelled. She smiled sheepishly back as she filled her plate with noodles. Jax was next as she poured sauce over her spaghetti. Chibs told her how good everything looked making her smile at him. She grabbed a couple pieces of bread and slowly began eating. Tig kept a close watch on her.

Dinner was quiet as they ate. Jax hoped they'd hear something soon from their Vegas charter but knew what a task they'd asked of their Nevada brothers. Las Vegas was a huge city on top of a large tourist town. Happy wasn't convinced she was completely trustworthy but was thrilled she had saved his brother that afternoon. Tig's mind was on how he could make her feel better. There was only one thing he could think of.

After dinner, she put upall the left-overs then cleaned the dining table off, put all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and cleaned the kitchen. Not really in the mood to be around anyone, she was about to head down the hall to her bedroom when Tig grabbed her arm. "Put on my favorite lingerie set for me tonight." he told her before letting her go. She didn't respond as she walked down the hallway. She didn't know why he loved this one particular set so much but she figured she'd do as he asked.

As soon as she'd made it to her room, she stripped and put it on then slipped into her normal night shirt over it

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As soon as she'd made it to her room, she stripped and put it on then slipped into her normal night shirt over it. She stretched out on her bed to watch a little TV. Happy and Chibs had gotten engrossed in an action film so Jax pulled Tig aside in the kitchen. The blond wanted to know how Aria was really doing making Tig shrug.

"She sighed a lot coming back. I think she's worried about people finding out she'd done something medical without a license and everything she's been working for going down the tubes." Tig stated.

"Yeah, she mentioned that to me earlier." Jax stated, "Think we can trust her to not say anything about what we're going to do to her cousin?"

"As long as we promise not to say anything about her practicing medicine with no license, she'll be fine." Tig retorted, "Like I said, she just wants to go to school, become a nurse, and live a peaceful life."

"You know, there won't be a reason for us to be around here once we deal with her cousin." Jax gave his shoulder a squeeze.

"I doubt she'll want to see me once we've dealt with him." Tig glanced down the hallway.

"All I can say, brother, is talk to her." Jax suggested before walking back into the living room.

Tig sighed and walked out onto her front porch to smoke. He did want to continue seeing her. To honestly get to know her. The sex was amazing. She had a big heart. She had to if she kept letting Evan live with her despite constantly getting into trouble and getting her kidnapped and held hostage by random groups. To not shut her door and let him fend for himself showed how big her heart truly was even if she did hate him for all the shit she got her into. She had a goal in life and was striving to meet that goal.

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